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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 11 <br />City Manager Trudgeon gave credit to Chief O'Neill and his Department for tak- <br />ing this on. Mr. Trudgeon noted that staff continued, at their frequent department <br />head group meetings, to discuss how to better position the city and its staff and to <br />be better trained. Mr. Trudgeon noted the duty was not a perfect fit in the Finance <br />Department ancl opined that by shifting this duty, it freed up Finance staff to allow <br />thein to focus on more important finance issues for the city and its residents. <br />Councilmember Laliberte thanked Chief O'Neill and his staff for stepping up and <br />taking that on. Councilmember Laliberte sought clarification on whether this was <br />a budget itein when part of the Finance Department, with this being the first time <br />it was contracted out. <br />Finance Director Chris Miller clarified that it had always been contracted out, but <br />coordination was now just shifted from the Finance Department to the Fire De- <br />partment as noted by Chief O'Neill. <br />Infrastructure Sustainability <br />Increased Investment — Pathwavs & Parking Lots <br />City Manager Trudgeon noted this initiative didn't include recent City Council <br />discussions for making connections with various segments throughout the com- <br />munity; but would be incorporated into this effort. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that <br />that component would be new infrastructure, and not addressing maintenance of <br />existing pathways and parking lots as this was originally intended to do. <br />Mayor Roe aslced how sustainable the fund balance loolced for annual pathway <br />and parking lots. <br />Public Works Director Marc Culver responded that with some minor tweaks, the <br />fund fluctuated from year to year, and only a small fund balance at this time, but <br />not sufficient for a full budget year for any significant work. <br />Specific to equipment lifecycles for that increased investment in maintenance of <br />pathways and parking lots, Councilmember Etten asked at what level maintenance <br />is being done, given typical Minnesota winters and complaints about that current <br />level. Councilmember Etten asked if the city is able to respond at its best level, <br />good, or just making do. <br />Parks & Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke responded that this addressed ongo- <br />ing maintenance, not sweeping; and involved capital needs, not operational needs; <br />simply the rehabilitation, repaving, or replacement of segments. <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Culver clarified that this was <br />maintenance at the CIP leveL <br />Stormwater Plan Update Comprehensive Plan� <br />