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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 13, 2016 <br />Page 24 <br />obviously the EDA and structural planning changes made since the 2008 plan up- <br />date needed to be updated, including HDR designations. <br />Mayor Roe noted it was helpful that the city was already planning to review HDR <br />desigriations, and integrate those analyses without the need for a separate outside <br />consultant. Mayor Roe concurred with an option "b" scope as well as engage- <br />ment strategies that made sure the goals and policy section of each chapter at a <br />_ _ - - - — --- — --- --- <br />minimum met with acceptance of the general public for what the coinmunity was <br />looking for and to make sure they were given time to specifically weigh in on <br />goals. Mayor Roe noted that may have something to do with the Imagine Rose- <br />ville 2025 community visioning process to ensure those remained in play without <br />opening up that vision again from a clean slate and starting over; but instead to <br />use this opportunity as a check-in with the public to make sure the city is still on <br />the right track or make adjustments as needed. Mayor Roe noted that one of the <br />downsides of that community visioning process was that it had been huge and <br />unwieldy. If that could be simplified to a simple draft of aspirations, which had <br />proven to be unsatisfactory to him and Councilmember McGehee, Mayor Roe <br />suggested that a more succinct process could prove more beneficial. <br />Councilmember McGehee agreed, opining that if groups were vigorously sought <br />out and small enough for engagement and interaction, all components for goals, <br />vision and a lot of HDR considerations and questions heard throughout the com- <br />munity could be addressed and HDR sites defined community-wide. Coun- <br />cilmeinber McGehee referenced the "Thrive" document, noting that it wasn't pre- <br />dicting much grawth or increase in affordable housing needs; therefore not strap- <br />ping the city to any unreasonable goals. Therefore, Councilinember McGehee <br />opined that this should open up opportunities for environmental and sustainability <br />components if that was part of climate change and more discussion about green <br />steps to pursue (e.g. solar, community gardens, etc.), but reiterated the need to <br />malce these discussion groups smaller versus a giant district that were too intimi- <br />dating for people to weigh in. <br />Enga eg ment <br />Mayor Roe stated he didn't find the steering committee process used in 2008 to be <br />the right process to repeat; and given the community's experience with engage- <br />ment, didn't think a consultant-suggested process was needed either, In general, <br />Mayor Roe stated his preference for a city-developed process. <br />Councilmember Willmus agreed, and also stated he didn't want this to fall into <br />the lap of one particular commission, but to receive input from all advisory com- <br />missions as part of the process. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that he thought all city commissions had a role in informing <br />the document's content, but considered the CEC's role to define the engagement <br />