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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 28 <br />Mayor Roe suggested opposition to MSP 2040 ideas may have more to do with <br />political opposition to the Metropolitan Council or differing points of view that <br />were outside Roseville-specific ideals. Mayor Roe agreed with using that MSP <br />2040 lens involving broad categories that didn't require specific mandates; but <br />simply recognized the positive things Roseville was already doing, allowing for a <br />better understanding of community goals as well as demonstrating the city's fit <br />and interest in the broader regional picture. As far as the city's involvement in <br />regional planning, Mayor Roe noted the city was already involved statutorily un- <br />der the Metropolitan Council as the regional planning agency. By incorporating <br />some of that language into the Roseville comprehensive plan, Mayor Roe opined <br />did not cause him any concern in that context. <br />Councilmember Laliberte concurred with the comments of Mayor Roe, and clari- <br />fied it was not her intent to take a political stance either, nor did she wish the city <br />to do so. Councilmember Laliberte further clarified that her thought was toward <br />previous discussions on the scope of the RFP and plan update. Councilmember <br />Laliberte opined that, since the Thrive MSP 2040 elements had not been looked at <br />yet, including them could be a fairly expensive add on if starting from scratch. <br />Therefore, Councilmember Laliberte suggested Section C be considered as an add <br />on or option, but not included in the core of the technical update, but something <br />the city could choose to do or not depending on the specific cost of that compo- <br />nent. <br />Mayor Roe noted the talk tonight had been using this component as a way to in- <br />form the update process. <br />Councilmember Laliberte noted the need to be conscious of staff time and re- <br />sources; and costs and staff resources required for an update versus complete redo <br />of the previous comprehensive plan. <br />As previously discussed by the City Council, Councilmember Etten noted the in- <br />tent remained a blend of the technical update and broader review. As noted on <br />page 5, in the preamble in Section C(Other Planning Elements), Councilmember <br />Etten noted some of the previous plan's goals would be revised, possibly some <br />new chapters added, or other ideals to guide this review and update. Coun- <br />cilmember Etten stated he didn't think the Thrive MSP 2040 was needed, but <br />thought it could guide the update as another lens, clarifying he didn't intend it <br />would involve any new chapters for any of the primary regional outcomes. <br />Specific to stewardship, Councilmember McGehee suggested it may involve a <br />simple statement about the city's capital improvement program (CIP) and the <br />progress made to-date and planned going forward. Councilmember McGehee <br />noted that could be incorporated in a simple phrase or two. Councilmember <br />McGehee asked that context of the comprehensive plan was its use as a guide for <br />