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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 29 <br />the community over the next ten years, but not creating a great deal of specificity, <br />other than visionary goals that may or may not be incorporated over that decade. <br />Councilmember McGehee clarified that would not require a consultant to create a <br />whole special section; and opined that was not what she understood from staff's <br />perspective. <br />Working Gro� Make-up <br />At the request of Councilmember Etten, Mr. Lloyd noted his discomfort with the <br />word "working group," but wanted to make sure it didn't have the same connota- <br />tion as the previous update's "steering committee," but would serve as an inter- <br />mediary between the consultant and formal city bodies. <br />With the City Council meeting three times each month, Councilmember Etten <br />asked if the intent of staff was that the working group meet mid-week; or how <br />staff envisioned this group working versus once per month advisory commission <br />meetings and the three City Council meetings. <br />Ms. Collins responded that that would shape the work of the consultant, the cost <br />for their services, and how or what the working group review involved, including <br />the frequency of their meetings that might hinge on how public engagement is ac- <br />tually shaped. <br />Mayor Roe asked if staff's concept was that the working group provide a stage of <br />review between staff, the Planning Commission and City Council; and that they <br />provide feedback that may not be seen by the viewers of the final product. <br />Mr. Lloyd responded that, while not well defined at this point, it was anticipated <br />that the working group would shape content that came forward. <br />Mayor Roe noted it would be similar to the steering committee, but be a larger <br />body with a specific role such as last time; and stated he wasn't entirely comfort- <br />able with that concept. <br />Councilmember Etten asked how many people would be involved, and how staff <br />envisioned the group operating. <br />City Manager Trudgeon stated staff had heard loud and clear from the City Coun- <br />cil that they didn't want a steering committee for this update, but an intermediate <br />review of public engagement as it came forward rather than having the City <br />Council, Planning Commission, or some mix of staff and advisory commissioners <br />and public representatives, have to sift that raw data into an organized format for <br />public presentation. Mr. Trudgeon noted that would involve how often the City <br />Council wanted updates (e.g. monthly, quarterly or otherwise), or if they were <br />comfortable having the consultant and staff say, "This is what we thought we <br />