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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 30 <br />heard;" or if they preferred interaction and input from other community represent- <br />atives attending public engagement meetings, but not a full task force. <br />Councilmember McGehee asked if there was an arrangement for open meetings <br />with the public, an engagement strategy with preliminary rough draft notes from <br />staff and the consultant, allowing for discussion with whomever showed up from <br />the public on a given night and collating that input to bring forward. Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee opined people were interested in specific topics, if ineetings <br />were arranged by topic; and could show up accordingly allowing for open civic <br />engagement, while not becoming overwhelming or impossible to manage. <br />Mayor Roe opined that from his perspective, the role of the Planning Commission <br />was to serve that purpose as a buffer between staff, the consultant, and the City <br />Council. In the last update, Mayor Roe noted the steering committee reported to <br />the Commission via public hearings, and then to the City Council. Mayor Roe <br />opined the Planning Commission was the informal working group, with open <br />meetings that may require additional special work sessions of their body to hash <br />topics out. However, Mayor Roe noted the importance for public feedback before <br />the formal public hearing process, which he thought citizens had come to appreci- <br />ate, and allowed them informal back and forth discussion before the draft product <br />was formalized. Mayor Roe referenced the recent code updates (tree preservation <br />and PUD process) as a successful model. Mayor Roe suggested the working <br />group consist of the Planning Commission to provide an informal opportunity for <br />public feedback before the formal public hearing at the Planning Commission <br />level and ultimate City Council action. Mayor Roe stated he agreed with the need <br />for public input, but suggested the RFP simply allow consultants to make a rec- <br />ommendation on the public engagement process based on their expertise. <br />Councilmember Willmus agreed with the comments and suggestion of Mayor <br />Roe. <br />Councilmember McGehee stated her agreement as well; however, she asked that <br />the process be further enhanced. When the step reaches the Planning Commission <br />by area or chapter, Councilmember McGehee suggested a preliminary hearing al- <br />lowing the public to come back and provide additional feedback. <br />Mayor Roe stated he wasn't sure if the Planning Commission had to perform that, <br />as long as the public was able to participate; and noted his lack of interest in dic- <br />tating format to the consultant or Commission. <br />Councilmember McGehee clarified that wasn't here intent either, but noted in the <br />past the city hadn't allowed a more grass roots level public participation process; <br />and for those interested, she wanted to have a process in place where citizens <br />could come in and participate before being handed a large document on which <br />they were asked to comment. While recognizing the Planning Commission was <br />