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Last modified
8/18/2016 4:05:21 PM
Creation date
8/18/2016 3:56:42 PM
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Public Works Commission
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detail analysis. The approach we are taking is to complete a detailed analysis <br />of the highest priority areas as part of the WRMP Update in 2016, and then to <br />program the remaining areas into the C I P based on the severity of the problem <br />and each area's alignment to a future street reconstruction project. <br />Task 3: Facilitation of an Effective and Meaningful Public <br />Involvement Process <br />At the onset of the project, Ron and Rebecca will work with the City to fine- <br />tune the details of the public involvement approach - including audiences, <br />messages, venues, tools and schedule. This effort will include finalizing the <br />strategy for public input and involvement. Public involvement throughout <br />the planning process will build community support for plan goals and plan <br />implementation. <br />Key points in a successful public involvement program include: <br />• Starting the public involvement process early, and clearly identifying the <br />purpose and need of each activity <br />• Establishing an environment of respect and trust that promotes effective <br />exchange of ideas, concerns, goals, objectives and priorities <br />• Presenting options with corresponding costs and schedules that respond <br />to public feedback and encourage dialogue <br />Demonstrating that the implementation plan reflects the concerns and <br />ideas of stakeholders and the needs of the City <br />There are multiple stakeholders for the CSWMP including agencies, <br />businesses, citizens, lake associations, commissions, council, developers and <br />City staff. Based on our experience, SEH knows that a comprehensive public <br />involvement strategy is instrumental to engaging key project stakeholders <br />early on in the process. The RFP indicates that the interface with the public - <br />at -large should be assumed to occur through up to three meetings with the <br />City's Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission (PWETC). <br />SEH will fully staff each meeting, provide necessary exhibits/presentations, <br />and coordinate the gathering and summary of stakeholder comments. In <br />addition to the three PWETC meetings, we will schedule and facilitate up to <br />three meetings with a Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) comprised of the City <br />staff and watershed district representatives. <br />One of the added value items that Ron and Rebecca bring to the team is <br />the connection to the 2012-2013 Update and the detailed discussions with <br />members of the PWETC throughout that planning process. At the first <br />meeting in 2016, we propose to start with an overview of the key issues and <br />topics raised by the previous committee and to highlight where these issues <br />are addressed in the current plan. This background will set the stage for the <br />group to focus efforts on ideas they have for new and innovative surface <br />water management opportunities and how to implement them efficiently and <br />cost-effectively. The 2012-2013 committee spent significant, yet valuable, <br />time and effort reviewing and discussing goals and policies to get them to <br />reflect the current state of stormwater management approaches and to be <br />flexible enough to not limit future innovation. We see the 2016 group to be a <br />great resource for refining the policy specifics to implement and fund surface <br />water improvements for at least the next 10 years. <br />Rain garden being constructed in Rosewood <br />Neighborhood <br />SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 7 <br />
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