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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 15 <br />Mayor Roe stated he wasn't sure he wanted to segregate residential and commer- <br />cial properties. While there is an issue with residential attempting some of these <br />projects, without ongoing maintenance and not meeting recertification require- <br />ments, Mayor Roe stated the entire issue needed further discussion befare one or <br />the other type of land use was removed. <br />Councilmember Etten agreed that was a bigger policy discussion; and while he <br />was more comfortable with the commercial aspect, he didn't mean to imply peo- <br />ple could pay a one-time fee and get off without addressing the point source of <br />stormwater. As noted in the recent subdivision denial he referenced earlier during <br />this discussion, Councilmember Etten noted residents in that area referring to one <br />home in particular that far exceeded the impervious surface percentage; and ques- <br />tioned how the city's requirements and restrictions allowed those things to hap- <br />pen. Councilmember Etten opined that those rules for residential properties need- <br />ed reviewed, monitored and enforced. Councilmember Etten agreed that some of <br />the current language is confusing, specifically addressing the age of a residential <br />property (twenty years or older). Councilmember Etten stated he'd like to see this <br />draft policy again, but just to address commercial properties; followed by a <br />broader discussion for residential properties. <br />As part of that broader policy discussion, Councilmember McGehee stated her in- <br />terest in the value added for recertification of BMP's or city cost to build and <br />maintain infrastructure, and city responsibility versus that of individual property <br />owners. <br />On the commercial side, Mayor Roe reiterated his concern in considering the <br />commercial aspect separate from the residential, because commercial sites actual- <br />ly create greater stormwater issues due to their extensive impervious surfaces, and <br />using this fee policy moves a greater amount of stormwater off commercial sites <br />for city treatment elsewhere than would any single residential site under this poli- <br />cy. <br />Without objection, Mayor Roe directed staff to return with draft policy revisions <br />addressing points and issues raised and discussed tonight, and including PWETC <br />meeting minutes to-date where they considered this policy; and to include any fu- <br />ture or subsequent discussions they may have on the issue at their discretion. <br />12. Public Hearings and Action Consideration (continued) <br />Public Improvement Hearing for Owasso Private Drive (continued) <br />Recognizing the arrival of several residents in the audience, at approximately 7:41 <br />pm, Mayor Roe reopened the public hearing to receive public input on proposed <br />storm water improvements on Owasso Private Drive. For the benefit of the audi- <br />ence, Mayor Roe provided a brief recap of the process completed so far to-night. <br />Public Comment <br />