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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 24 <br />Councilmember Willmus stated he didn't see anything in this criteria that pre- <br />cluded neighborhoods from serving as NAs independent of this proposed process. <br />Councilmember McGehee then questioned the need to have it in place. <br />Mayor Roe noted this discussion was involving a portion of the document beyond <br />that yet presented by City Manager Trudgeon. Mayor Roe clarified that if a NA <br />chose to "affiliate" with the city, there were certain things the city would provide <br />to the group in exchange for that "affiliation. Mayor Roe agreed with Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee's concerns with boundaries, opining those should be self- <br />determined, and further stated he had no problem with overlapping boundaries of <br />groups seeking further identify with a smaller area than the broader NA. Howev- <br />er, Mayor Roe stated the city should not make that decision, and also expressed <br />his concern in the city approving bylaws, suggesting there simply be a checklist <br />for the NA to complete. Mayor Roe stated he did think it was good to require a <br />NA to have bylaws to function well and avoid chaos. <br />Mayor Roe stated he did have a problem referring to NAs as "affiliated" and sug- <br />gested it made more sense to call them "registered" to avoid any perception they <br />were city-driven. <br />Councilmember Etten agreed with the comments of Mayor Roe, opining the city <br />shouldn't get involved approving bylaws, but simply provided samples and let <br />those organizations wark for their efforts without city approval. As an example, <br />Councilmember Etten noted his involvement in the larger Lake McCarron's <br />Neighborhood Association, as well as in a smaller group functioning within that <br />larger NA, both serving different purposes to build community. Councilmember <br />Etten stated finding ways to assist neighbors in joining together was a good thing <br />and benefited not only neighbors and the neighborhood, but the city as a whole, <br />especially in more positive ways going forward versus being only a reactionary <br />group. Councilmember Etten noted this provided neighbors to get to know about <br />their neighborhood and city and make them more aware and involved. Coun- <br />cilmember Etten noted the block captain idea came from a public comment made <br />in April when this was discussed; and suggested the city go to those contacts first <br />to determine if there was interest in the registration process, and if so use that <br />network as the starting point. <br />For someone coming to register with the city as a NA, Councilmember McGehee <br />questioned how the city proved they represented those people. <br />Mayor Roe responded that would be evidenced as per the criteria outlined by City <br />Manager Trudgeon. As with anything, Mayor Roe noted the city was depending <br />on people being honest and straightforward, thus the criteria proposed. <br />