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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 8, 2016 <br />Page 30 <br />she had contributed to the community, and by implementing this process, the city <br />would be taking a step backwards. For members of the community to be allowed <br />to meet in public spaces, Ms. McCormick asked if they needed to be recognized <br />as a NA participant to do so. If so, Ms. McCormick opined that was a step <br />backward. <br />Ms. McCormick referenced her research of the "Speak Up! Roseville" website, <br />and past meeting videos, with most public comment coming from those attending <br />tonight's meeting for this topic, without much other feedback received. Ms. <br />McCormick noted this had yet to be vetted by the community; and stated that she <br />found it fairly disrespectful that the fact there are three NAs in Roseville, one <br />formally incorporated and two informally meeting, and only one acknowledged at <br />a public meeting. As the founder of one of those informal NAs, and with the <br />Chair of the formally incorparated meeting also present in tonight's audience, Ms. <br />McCormick stated both had come forward to say this is premature, not collabora- <br />tive, and not the right thing to do at this time based on their experience. <br />While there may be mare conversation on this, Ms. McCormick asked that people <br />be brought to the table to comment. <br />Sherry Sanders, Chair of Lake McCarron's NA, Resident of S McCarron's <br />Blvd. <br />As a member of the Civic Engagement Task Force from its inception to its end, <br />and after their report was submitted on which she had worked, as well as serving <br />on the CEC, and as an involved community member, Ms. Sanders stated her in- <br />terest in responding to this issue. <br />Ms. Sanders agreed with the comments of Mayor Roe and the city not defining <br />boundaries, noting she had opposed that at the CEC level, and remained against <br />that; and also opined the city should have nothing to do with NA bylaws. <br />Regarding concerns expressed by Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Sanders opined <br />there was no need for that concern, as the Lake McCarrons Neighborhood Asso- <br />ciation continued to persist and was basically ignored by many City Coun- <br />cilmembers over the years. Ms. Sanders noted she represents 3,000 people, and <br />that included residents and businesses in their area — anyone owning property, <br />none of whom had asked for this. <br />Ms. Sanders stated community and civic engagement was hard and messy, and <br />noted you could always rally people temporarily around a common enemy, but <br />stated that wasn't how she wanted to perceive things, but preferred something <br />build on a positive aspect. Ms. Sanders noted her NA met monthly, had formal <br />bylaws, regular meetings and membership dues. <br />