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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 26, 2016 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Councilmember McGehee questioned the effective date of legislation and impacts <br />to past, current and future use; and reiterated her request that substantial attention <br />be paid moving forward. While not saying their use wasn’t important, Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee suggested the City’s Finance Commission provide their as- <br />sessment and research on what their use could entail related to manpower and <br />other citywide ramifications. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe questioned if such a research project was suited to the charge for the <br />Finance Commission; and suggested staff research may be the starting point. <br /> <br />Councilmember Laliberte reported that a recent meeting of the Metro Cities <br />Board addressed data requests that were becoming cumbersome for many cities. <br />Councilmember Laliberte further reported that over the next year, Metro Cities in- <br />tended to hold a forum, similar to the housing forum held earlier this year, to dis- <br />cuss the amount of staff time and costs expended by municipalities for this type of <br />effort. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe referenced the legislation and the date of adoption by municipalities <br />compared to the effective date of the legislation. <br /> <br />Etten moved, Laliberte seconded, scheduling a public hearing for October 24, <br />2016 to hear public comment on a draft policy to facilitate implementation of a <br />portable recording system (PRS), a/k/a body worn cameras for police officers, in- <br />tended for implementation in early 2017. <br /> <br /> Roll Call <br />Ayes: <br />McGehee, Laliberte, Etten and Roe. <br />Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br /> <br />h.Approve Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Municipal Inflow <br />and Infiltration Grant Agreement <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Acting City Manager Miller briefly reviewed this <br />item as detailed in the RCA dated August 22, 2016 and related attachments. Mr. <br />Miller referenced two missing items in the packet materials, provided as Bench <br />Handouts. Mr. Miller advised that, after further consideration when tonight’s <br />meeting materials were being processed and reviewed, staff requested that the <br />Metropolitan Council provide a copy of the grant agreement (Attachment to 8.h) <br />for the Inflow/Infiltration (I & I) Grant Program, allowing the City Attorney’s re- <br />view between now and yearend. Upon review of that agreement, Mr. Miller ad- <br />vised that a revised draft resolution (Attachment A) had been provided to provide <br />more clarity. While minor elements remained to be resolved, Mr. Miller advised <br />the City Council should feel comfortable in adopting the revised resolution at this <br />time. <br /> <br /> <br />