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WHER�S, Cit�- Code §ioo9.o4 (Variar�ces) establishes the purpose of a�-ariance is <br />"tr� permit adjustrnent to the zanirag regulatio�s ��•here there are praetical diff'iculties apply�ng <br />to a parcel of land or building that prevent t�e property- from �eing used to the extent <br />intended by� the zoning;" and <br />WHERF AS, the Var�ance Board has made th+e follo��zng findings: <br />a. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensiue Plarz. Although such <br />irnpro�-ements are not specificall�- identified in the 203o Rose�-�lle Comprehensiti•e <br />Plan, Planning Di��isian staff finds that th� proposed site improc•ements <br />(customerJemployee garking and semi-trailer storage/parking) for �vhich the <br />�,-ariance is necessar}� are generalls� consistent �ti-ith the Compreh�nsi�-e Plan <br />(Emploti-ment Area Goals and Policies}. <br />b. The proposal is in harmony with the purposes and intent af rhe zonirtg <br />ordinanees. The purpose af the Zoning Cod� is to set de�-elopment standards that <br />achie�-e the goals and polieies �f the Comprehensi�•e Plan and that make good <br />+de��elopment sense. There are instances, like in the ease af the subject property, <br />«-here the design standards and existing impro�•ements conflict «-ith 4ne anot�er. <br />Planning Dii-ision finds that the proposal to expand the northeast <br />customer%emplo}�ee parking lot area cannot be completed wti�ithaut a�-ariance to <br />§ioo6.o5.E (Parking Placement). Similarl�� the pragosed addition of a <br />storage/parking area for 31 serni-trailers adjacent to the existing dock facility- alsa <br />requires a�-ariance. Both of these impra�-ements �4�11 be completed in tiae area <br />bet�4�een the building and the street, ���hich is not permitt�d. A�-ariance to each <br />impro��ement grants allo«-ance to make these improti�ements, �ti�hieh are cansistent <br />��-ith the intent of the zaning ordinance�. <br />c. The proposal puts the subject property to use in a r•easonable mQnner. Pianning <br />Di��sian concludes that it is a reasonable to seek improrer�ents to the gre-existing <br />non-conforming parking lot and add additional improved semi-trailer <br />storage/parking especiall�- �+�-hen site rede�-elopment (the on1�- optzon to achie��e <br />compliance «-ith all Zoning Code standards) is not being cQntempiated. <br />d. Thei•e are unique circurnstartces to the p�•operty which w�r�e not ci•eaied by the <br />tandQwner. It is safe to sa�- that t�te need for �-ar�ances to parking lot design and <br />placement are a direct result of the Zoning Code being amended in 2aao. Suck� <br />changes and �ubsequent non-conformit�� are not uncomman, ho��-e�-er, there are <br />instances, like in this case, �ti-here the irnpro�-ements justifc- the appro�•al of the <br />requested �•ariances. <br />e. The �arfan�e, if grant�d, will not alter• the essentiQl charr�cter of the Iocality. <br />Planning Di�-isian staff has determir�ed that the requested �-ariance for expanding a <br />pre-existing non-confarrning parking lot and the addition of a semi-�railer <br />storage/parking area adjacent to the existing dock facility would not alter the <br />essential character of the lacalit5-, as the area is gea�erally- de�-eloped ��-ith industrial <br />uses that date back to the 197o's ��-hen the Cii�,- Code included a much different set <br />of use a�d site derelopment design standard�. <br />WHEREAS, §ioo9.o4 (Variancesa of the City Code also explains that the purpose of a <br />variance is "to perrnit adjustment to the zaning regralatians where there are practical <br />di�culti�s applying to a p�rcel of land or builciing that pre��ent the property fron� being used <br />to the extent intended b�- the zoning;" and <br />