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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/21/2017 2:47:31 PM
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1/30/2017 10:00:46 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 14 <br />end of the month may have a significant delay for staff or other situations needing <br />inore immediate review and approval. Councihneinber Etten suggested a two- <br />week review for the City Council depending on how that interacted with the City <br />Council schedule. Councilmember Etten stated that he tried to avoid inalcing too <br />inany changes since the meeting ininutes served as a general recorcl; but could <br />agree with the two-week time frame. <br />At the request of Councilmember Willmus, City Manager Trudgeon advised that <br />while there inay be soine issues created with the 60-day land use case review <br />timeframe per state statute, the most iinportant action was the adoption of related <br />resolutions rather than the actual meeting minutes. <br />City Attorney Hartmann concurred with City Manager Trudgeon that resohitions <br />were separate from the meeting minutes and therefore a delay in minute approval <br />but not resolutions should be problematic. <br />Councilmember Willmus opined that staff would need to be cognizant of those <br />land use situations if the City Council approves departing frorn the current prac- <br />tice of approval at the next meeting. While not having a history of why draft <br />ininutes are not inchided in the agenda packet, and unsure if he wanted to get into <br />that, Councilmember Willinus stated his preference for minimizing the delay, <br />even though he would support a two-week turnaround, his personal preference <br />would be to have it quicker than that. <br />Since he tended to perfonn the overall review of draft ineeting mintttes, Mayor <br />Roe recognized that it required a quick turnaround, and opined there would be <br />benefits with more tiine for review, inchiding for the Recording Secretary to sub- <br />mit the initial draft, and then for staff to provide an adininistrative review (e.g. <br />grammar corrections and naine, address, and/or date verifications) before being <br />provided to the City Council. Mayor Roe opined that the City Council then <br />wouldn't have to focus on that as much, but could instead allow departments to <br />review their portions of minutes before they were submitted for review to individ- <br />ual council members. Mayor Roe clarified that he ineant this staff review to be <br />going on at the saine time and not a step-by-step process from the City Manager, <br />then to one department, then another; but to have each department review their <br />particular areas for accuracy, with more eyes for factual corrections. Mayor Roe <br />noted this would still provide individual council members to correct their state- <br />inents accordingly, while staff would have provided its initial graminatical review <br />administratively, with departments reviewing actual facts and figiires. <br />Councilmember McGehee acknowledged the heavy lifting provided by Mayor <br />Roe in reviewing meeting minutes at this time; and advised that she typically re- <br />viewed her portion of ininutes to ensure that they accurately and clearly reflected <br />her statements. However, Councilmember McGehee noted that it was clear from <br />Mayor Roe's review that he read the entire document. Councilrnember McGehee <br />
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