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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 15 <br />agreed that it would prove helpful for the Recording Secretary and city staff to <br />have more tiine for processing meeting minutes upfront, thus allowing individual <br />council members more time to review their portions. <br />Given that, Councilmember Willmiis agreed with this approach, stating that he <br />was cautiously optimistic that the City Council would still have the meeting <br />minutes back in tiine to avoid rehashing them at meeting if and when they were <br />delayed. <br />Mayor Roe asked his colleagues if the meeting ininutes were delivered to the City <br />Council by the Friday before packet preparation for the next ineeting, if that <br />would allow them time to respond to staff with any changes by the next Wednes- <br />day. <br />Without objecton, council members agreed that was a reasonable timefraine: two <br />week meeting minute approval with submission to the City Council after initial <br />staff review by Friday and return by individLial council members by the following <br />Wednesday to be included in the agenda packet materials for that upcoming meet- <br />ing. <br />Without objection, council inembers also agreed that this discussion would inform <br />any twealcs before formally adopting into the Rules of Procedures. <br />Consent A eg nda <br />City Manager Tri.idgeon suggested the City Council consider asking questions on <br />rotttine items placed on the consent agenda by contacting staff before the meeting. <br />Mr. Tnidgeon suggested the only exception should be to reinove an item if an in- <br />dividual council inember wanted to vote against a particular item. Mr. Trudgeon <br />advised that his suggestions as detailed in the RCA were a result of consulting <br />with his peers on their consent agenda practices, as well as in consideration of his <br />suminarizing each item, which could also be eliminated at the City Council's di- <br />rection. Mr. Trudgeon suggested some change in the current format and practices <br />as outlined in the RCA. <br />In consideration of openness to the public, Councilmeinber Etten opined that a <br />brief, one-sentence description, but not detailed review of each consent agenda <br />item by the City Manager was an important aspect of letting people know what its <br />elected officials were doing that what they were voting for. Councihneinber Etten <br />spoke in support of not reinoving items froin the consent agenda unless for a sepa- <br />rate vote or to malce a significant point; and agreed that asking questions ahead of <br />time was a good idea. <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed with Councihnember Etten that for transparency <br />purposes, a one-sentence synopsis of those items on the consent agenda was nec- <br />essary. However, Councilmember Laliberte agreed that questions could be asked <br />