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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 09, 2017 <br />Page 24 <br />Mayor Roe cautioned the city council that a lot of groups were doing things in <br />and for the city that inay not be directly affiliated with the city. Mayor Roe stated <br />that his philosophy was to err on the side of the rights of people to speak and ad- <br />dress their goverrnnent, and therefore, sought not to restrict them. Mayor Roe <br />opined that he found public coinment becoming inore disciplined; with Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee agreeing she didn't see it being abused as much as in the <br />past. <br />Councihneinber Laliberte stated that she was uncomfortable not allowing public <br />coinment just because it was intended for a public hearing for a land use issue at <br />the Planning Coirunission meeting. However, as she had learned over the years, <br />Councihneinber Laliberte noted that often soineone may not have been watching <br />a Planning Commission ineeting or aware of an issue, and this inay be their first <br />opporhinity to speak. Councihneinber Laliberte stated that an exception would be <br />if a topic was discussed 3-4 times and in several different manners; and the same <br />testimony was being given repeatedly by the same person, especially when that <br />testimony was already inchided in written fonn or as part of the official record in <br />the meeting ininutes in packet inaterials. <br />Councilmember Etten agreed not to limit public comment on land use issues to <br />only the Planning Commission but as the City Council as well. However, when <br />something is openly discussed at several City Council meetings, Councilmember <br />Etten suggested repeat coinments have a time limit applied, or only accept new <br />points or infonnation. Councilmember Etten suggested this could be accom- <br />plished through instnictions froin the Mayor versus a firm rule, and depending on <br />the issue. When a certain issue gets repeated coinment froin the same people, <br />Councihnember Etten noted it becomes a long, tedious, and repetitive sihiation; <br />and therefore, he suggested adjusting expectations from repeat comments via in- <br />structions from the bench. <br />For those items coining before the Planning Cominission, while not precluding <br />additional cominent at the City Council level, Mayor Roe suggested it made sense <br />to reduce the allotted time to three ininutes when a formal public hearing had al- <br />ready been provided. <br />Councilmeinber McGehee suggested, when a spealcer had already been heard or a <br />list of points had been made by one or a group of spealcers, perhaps by the mayor <br />restating those points at the beginning of public comment, a statement could be <br />made that if new information is available then come forward. <br />Mayor Roe expressed concern with that concept, noting that unless multiple cop- <br />ies of minutes or materials providecl at the Planning Coinmission from that public <br />testimony were inade available for the public, it wouldn't be fair for the public to <br />not have that infonnation available to them. <br />