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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/20/2017 2:41:22 PM
Creation date
4/20/2017 2:40:28 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 13 <br />O'Neill noted that this allowed the transfer by the current Relief Association <br />members and positioned the fund well, with it now being 108% funded. Unless <br />there was a market adjustment not under the city's control, Chief O'Neill ex- <br />pressed his confidence that things would continue on a positive note. <br />Chief O'Neill alerted the City Council that the Fire Relief Association would be <br />bringing forward a requested Cost of Living Adjustment based on Social Security <br />indexes and based on the agreement made approximately ten years ago. Chief <br />O'Neill estimated that 5-10 of these recipients would leave through attrition over <br />the next 5-8 years; with the result eventually sun -setting the Relief Association. <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief O'Neill provided more specif- <br />ics related to vesting for part-time employees in their retirement fiend; and poten- <br />tial liability to the city for those remaining in the Relief Association. Chief <br />O'Neill also clarified that the city could not and would not terminate anyone from <br />the Relief Association, and under legal obligation to continue those benefits for <br />the duration. <br />Chief O'Neill spoke confidently that while there was some risk for the city, the <br />steps taking in 2010 by the City Council had capped that liability and moved <br />things in a different direction (PERA) through making those good choices. <br />d. Discuss the Annotated Outline Illustrating Present Structure of the Subdivi- <br />sion Code and How a Rewritten Code Might Differ; Provide Input to Guide <br />the Drafted of an Updated Ordinance (PROD -0042) <br />Senior Planner Bryan Lloyd introduced Mike Lamb, consultant with Kimley- <br />Horn, undertaking the rewrite of the city's subdivision code as detailed in the staff <br />report and related attachments. <br />Title 11 (Exhibit A), Subdivisions and his Memorandum dated February 23, 2017 <br />Exhibit B <br />Mr. Lamb provided an overview of the five major topics needing review: lan- <br />guage in code (definitions) and their consistency with other city code; minor sub- <br />division process as discussed by the Planning Commission and of interest to the <br />City Council; Park Dedication mechanism and how to address that moving for- <br />ward; Design Standards and any revisions of those standards embedded in code; <br />and those areas for reliance on the Public Works Design Standards Manual cur- <br />rently in process. <br />In the City Council's review of Attachment A, Mr. Lamb clarified that the first <br />column represented current code and right hand column provided suggestions <br />from his office and staff. Mr. Lamb further clarified that those are just sugges- <br />tions, and not recommendations, but simply based on experience and requiring <br />City Council feedback. Mr. Lamb also referenced excerpts provided from the <br />subdivision ordinances in the metropolitan area and language from those that <br />
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