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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/20/2017 2:41:22 PM
Creation date
4/20/2017 2:40:28 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 14 <br />might make sense for Roseville as the basis for edits. Mr. Lamb further refer- <br />enced some case studies provided from other metropolitan communities and other <br />first -ring suburbs from out-of-state and staff conversations with those cities as <br />well. Mr. Lamb concluded by stating the intent for this to be an outline review <br />only to help staff and his firm determine the proper direction to pursue from the <br />City Council's perspective. <br />Exhibit A — Title 11 <br />Page 1 <br />In terms of definitions, Mayor Roe suggested the fewer the better in this portion <br />of code; whether by referencing the Public Works Design Standards Manual or <br />through existing code (e.g. street or design standard components) where those <br />definitions would come out. <br />Mayor Roe also suggested a general reference to other city documents (e.g. Path- <br />way Master Plan) rather than specifically referencing them in the subdivision <br />code; with agreement by Councilmember Willmus. <br />Pages 2 &3 <br />Along with Mayor Roe, Councilmembers McGehee, Willmus and Laliberte were <br />in agreement that they did not want to consider an administrative review process; <br />preferring the approval process through the Planning Commission and City Coun- <br />cil or just the City Council as per current practice. <br />Page 4 <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Lloyd confirmed that any and all <br />application forms and instructions would be revised based on new processes or <br />checklists. <br />Councilmember McGehee stated her intent that everything, including those minor <br />lot splits, be put back on the table, opining that the checklist should be presented <br />to the City Council in agenda packets indicating any or all items checked off, es- <br />pecially related to drainage, sewer and tree preservation. <br />Even with minor subdivisions, Councilmember Willmus noted one area of strug- <br />gle was an inforinal sketch provided (e.g. on the back of a napkin) versus a more <br />detailed and formal application and information process, showing established lo- <br />cations for lot lines, drainage easements, and any other work that would be done <br />on the front end before being brought to the City Council for approval. <br />As suggested by City Manager Trudgeon, and confirmed by Councilmember <br />Willmus, this would include a survey. <br />As decision makers, Councilmember Willmus noted that the additional infor- <br />mation could have a significant impact on a decision one way or another based on <br />that level of detail provided; and opined that a survey shouldn't create an exces- <br />
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