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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/20/2017 2:41:22 PM
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4/20/2017 2:40:28 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 15 <br />sive burden for a property owner looking to divide their lot; and he preferred hav- <br />ing that detail available. Councilmember Willmus stated that from his perspec- <br />tive, that detail did not include being advised that the watershed district had yet to <br />sign off, especially if and when those properties may involve part of a larger <br />drainage system or issue within the community. With not receiving that infor- <br />mation upfront, Councilmember Willmus noted that it left out part of the picture, <br />and stated his interest in having that broader picture from materials presented to <br />the City Council , whether or not it created a financial burden on a property own- <br />er. <br />Ms. Collins sought clarification on the current process used for minor subdivi- <br />sions and plats, asking if the City Council was okay with that as long as additional <br />information was provided upfront. <br />Mayor Roe agreed, referencing recent examples of plats coming before the City <br />Council. <br />Without objection, and confirmed by Mr. Lamb, the City Council did not support <br />any administrative process for minor subdivisions; with an up-to-date checklist <br />included at the Planning Commission and/or City Council levels. <br />With confirmation by staff, Mayor Roe clarified that open house language would <br />parallel that approved in other sections of code. <br />Councilmember Willmus addressed plat requirements for lots on existing streets <br />and requiring municipal services, and whether some accommodation was needed <br />for private drives built to city street specifications but privately maintained. <br />Mr. Lloyd advised that there was nothing in the subdivision code; and noted that <br />delved into the area of uncertainty as to whether a subdivision created a flag lot to <br />access properties behind one street or a private street with public streets minus a <br />right-of-way; seeking City Council direction on that point. <br />Councilmember Willmus stated that he didn't want to revert to flag lots, but rec- <br />ognized situations where larger lots are subdivided and become smaller, this may <br />be a tool that could help accommodate it and create less expense for surrounding <br />property owners and the broader community as well. Councilmember Willmus <br />opined that the city had it within its purview and public works specifications for <br />those situations. <br />Mayor Roe stated that he wasn't against private drives as a solution. <br />Councilmember Willmus noted that there was no language so specific that it <br />would exclude private drives by calling it a street. <br />
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