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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 22 <br />payments allocated and personnel savings realized through the partnership versus <br />equipment and other costs if the IT function was a standalone option. <br />Mayor Roe noted the staffing allocation was based on a formula based on the <br />number of users; based on the current business model. <br />Continued discussion ensued to clarify and reconcile the business model staffing, <br />resources, and cost sharing allocations as detailed in the staff report and attach- <br />ments; IT coverage now and as proposed; and variables based on staff and equip- <br />ment; and variables between stand alone versus consortium level of equipment <br />and complexity. <br />In conclusion, Finance Director Miller reported that the model continued to work <br />in the City of Roseville's favor, as the recipient of three employees at the cost of <br />one. <br />At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Ms. Koes clarified what partners <br />were most concerned with as unmet needs; including training and quicker service <br />response times, and on-site availability versus remote assistance. <br />Discussion ensued regarding staffing levels; training requested by partner cities <br />and agencies; matching customer service/help desk with job tasks; annual revising <br />of cost share allocations or if an agency should leave and adjustments made ac- <br />cordingly; and adjustments in the future if the collaboration moves in a different <br />direction based on new technologies or other unforeseen events. <br />Mayor Roe requested staff to return with a formal request for City Council con- <br />sideration in the near future. <br />Councilmember Willmus requested additional information from a citywide per- <br />spective on staffing levels and projections for the coming budget cycle. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Finance Director Miller clarified that funding was <br />already in place for Roseville and other agencies in 2017 budgets now, and this <br />was seeking approval for the creation of the positions. <br />City Manager Trudgeon clarified that this fell outside normal budget cycles, and <br />represented a more immediate need not fitting that budget process, creating the <br />need to confirm support of these additional positions to avoid them showing up in <br />the budget as a surprise. While this did fit into the bigger picture, Mr. Trudgeon <br />reiterated that it did come at a time outside the budget process. <br />In ongoing and periodic meetings with other cities and agencies, Finance Director <br />Miller noted the struggles being faced by each entity seeking additional services, <br />creating challenges for each. However, with some needing to wait until Decem- <br />