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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 23 <br />ber and final budget negotiations to confirm their involvement and approvals, Mr. <br />Miller noted this threw timing off for staff to approach the Roseville City Council <br />before now. <br />Mayor Roe noted the need for more advance notice, duly noted by City Manager <br />Trudgeon, even if things were pending with other agency funding. <br />L Receive Finance Commission Recommendations <br />Finance Director Chris Miller provided a brief overview, turning the discussion <br />over to representatives of the Finance Commission present tonight and their rec- <br />ommendations for changes to Chapter 208 related to the Finance Commission <br />(Attachment AO and Capital Investment Policy (Attachment B) and priority rank- <br />ing system language for the city's capital improvement program (CIP) on page <br />five. <br />Finance Commission <br />Five members of the Commission were present, with Chair Robin Schroeder, <br />Matt Harold, and Pete Zeller speaking on their behalf. <br />Commissioner Harold read a memorandum dated March 19, 2017 from the Com- <br />mission to the City Council entitled, "Finance Commission recommendation to <br />establish a CIP Priority Ranking System." Criteria for the ranking system was <br />displayed, identifying four criteria for the CIP policy (page 5, lines 157 — 162) to <br />draw the broader CIP together and better justify items in the budget cycle. <br />Mayor Roe noted that this would provide another option for sorting CIP assets <br />beyond their function, department or fund, by sorting them by priority and further <br />analyze the financial strength of the bigger picture. Mayor Roe sought clarifica- <br />tion that the intent was to aggregate reporting for the overall picture without elim- <br />inating or consolidating individual funds for each CIP area. <br />Chair Schroeder advised, if this recommendation was supported by the City <br />Council, the Finance Commission's next step would be to get into more detail and <br />provide additional information to the City Council. <br />Given the current needs represented in the CIP and their priority level, Chair <br />Schroeder noted that this delved into the justification part, not currently part of <br />tonight's recommendation, but overarching consideration at which time the Fi- <br />nance Commission would assist in defining guidance without categories and how <br />best to apply it. As part of that, Commissioner Harold noted the Commission's <br />interest in reviewing the Cedarholm Golf Course as part of the bigger picture and <br />entire city CIP versus having each request come before the city in a piecemeal <br />fashion but all included in that bigger picture. <br />