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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 24 <br />Mayor Roe noted his hesitation in any perception that the CIP is adopted piece- <br />meal when considerable thought was given to its summary form and fund by fund <br />approval of the entire CIP as a fiill picture. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of these recommendations from the <br />Finance Commission, specifically its tie to addressing maintenance of existing as- <br />sets and not adding new assets without accounting for their maintenance and/or <br />replacement. Councilmember McGehee stated her preference that the Commis- <br />sion review the CIP for the next year or two on an annual basis and provide their <br />written suggestions following that review and their options and opinions of what <br />was coming before the City Council. Councilmember McGehee opined that she <br />found the CIP as a continuing problem area needing to be addressed, and ex- <br />pressed her confidence in the Commission's ability to provide additional infor- <br />mation and assistance in addressing this area. <br />As a body, Councilmember Willmus clarified that the City Council reviewed the <br />CIP on an annual basis. Regarding prioritization, Councilmember Willmus <br />agreed with a more detailed and specific look on an annual basis and allocation of <br />those dollars in line with recommendations of the Commission in their memoran- <br />dum. <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed, opining the recommendation was a good one <br />and helped provide clarification as the City Council drilled down, including this <br />piece related to the CIP. Councilmember Laliberte stated that she had already <br />asked for a deeper dive into the short-terin look and needs projected; and that <br />combined with a "why" as to an expenditure need, would only serve to help, and <br />therefore, would receive her support. <br />Mayor Roe spoke in support of the recommendations, especially now that he un- <br />derstood the process better. Additionally, noting the previously discussed the <br />"condition index" concept, Mayor Roe opined that was a good idea and suggested <br />an added column to the CIP listing that current year condition index and allowing <br />for a consistent scaling system across all different city assets to help staff and the <br />City Council better perform their analysis and move CIP items around from year <br />to year and adjust funding accordingly as part of the overall CIP listing. <br />On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Roe thanked the Finance Commission for <br />these good ideas, without objection, staff was directed to proceed in bringing this <br />back for formal action. <br />g. Establish a 2018 Budget Process Timeline <br />Finance Director Chris Miller briefly summarized the proposed 2018 budget pro- <br />cess timeline as detailed in the staff report, providing key discussion topics and <br />their potential dates. Mr. Miller sought guidance on these milestone dates, tight- <br />ened up from past schedules in the interest of "quality" versus "quantity" and rec- <br />