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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March 20, 2017 <br />Page 25 <br />ognizing other City Council responsibilities and business while keeping the budg- <br />et process on task. <br />Mr. Miller noted ten dates for the remainder of 2017 as part of the 2018 budget <br />process. Depending on potential legislative changes related to statutory deadlines <br />for Economic Development Authorities, Mr. Miller advised that it was possible <br />consideration of that preliminary levy could be moved consistent with that for the <br />city's preliminary levy adoption date. <br />Mr. Miller also noted that, while the City Council typically met with the Finance <br />Commission in August, the City Council may wish to delay that meeting until <br />September and closer to preliminary tax levy adoption. As discussed in January <br />of 2017, Mr. Miller noted the City Council's approval of pushing back the City <br />Manager's recommended budget to July rather than May, allowing the advantage <br />of additional information as part of the information available to inform the budg- <br />et. While there may be several dates that could be eliminated or further com- <br />pressed in the timeline, Mr. Miller clarified that the intent was not to rush the pro- <br />cess but instead to make the process more effective and time -sensitive. <br />As part of the guidance being sought by staff from the City Council related to the <br />timeline, Mr. Miller also requested feedback from individual Councihnembers on <br />the kinds of information packages they preferred for the process. Over the last <br />few years, Mr. Miller referenced the budget summary (Attachment A) and asked <br />if that sufficiently met information needs or if they preferred a different format. <br />Councilmember Willmus stated his comfort level with the proposed 2018 time- <br />line, especially with the additional December meeting scheduled. Specific to At- <br />tachment A and information needs, Councilmember Willmus noted his previous <br />requests for a "cash carry forward" fund balance or some method to track those <br />dollars consistently on an annualized basis at any point in time. When talking <br />about capital needs, Councilmember Willmus opined that it would provide a bet- <br />ter picture if the amount of those carryover funds was known for possible reallo- <br />cation to the CIP; and therefore he would like a fund created to track those sur- <br />pluses annually. <br />Mayor Roe noted it could provide a corresponding report on the balance in the <br />fund whenever known. <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed with the cash carry forward fund and creating a <br />specific look at what, was available and it weighing into decision-making, also <br />making it clear and transparent for the City Council and the public. Councilmem- <br />ber Laliberte stated that she was comfortable with the timeline, as long as it pro- <br />vided as many opportunities as possible for the public to weigh in. Councilmem- <br />ber Laliberte also spoke in support of staff's suggestion to push this to August and <br />