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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 10, 2017 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Councilmember McGehee stated that she had no problem with the desire to keep <br />the project moving; but admitted that she did have a problem if the project itself <br />was not well-thought out and that an opportunity to vote could be taken at any <br />check-in point. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe clarified that the City Council members maintained the right to make <br />any motion at any time. <br /> <br />As the party responsible for drafting the document, for clarification and directive <br />purposes, City Attorney Gaughan sought clarification if the City Council’s con- <br />cerns were with the Termination Clause provision of the contract. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe responded that it was not, but clarified that concerns were with the <br />product deliverable coming out of Task 1. <br /> <br />In that case, City Attorney Gaughan advis ed that the problem would persist in this <br />agreement as written; clarifying that the City Council wanted revised language <br />providing for a formal presentation and check-in by consultants with the City <br />Council at the conclusion of Task 1 and at the conclusion of Task 2 as well. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe agreed with that statement; noting that the understanding would then <br />be that the City Council would have to authorize going out for bid at the conclu- <br />sion of Task 2. <br /> <br />However, City Manager Trudgeon advised that in accordance with the requested <br />Council Action in lines 40 -54 of the RCA, putting the project out for bid is part <br />of that proposed motion language. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe stated that was not his understanding. <br /> <br />As the maker of the motion, and in agreement with that intent, Councilmember <br />Willmus sought further clar ification from Mayor Roe on whether he was seeking <br />a hard break at the end of Task 1 before proceeding to Task 2. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe clarified that, at a minimum, he was looking for that hard break before <br />going out for bids (e.g. at the end of Task 2), and also anticipated a presentation <br />and check-in at the end of Task 1 to make sure any plans and specifications for <br />Task 2 are in line with the City Council’s understanding and direction. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding possible amendme nt to the motion to consider sepa- <br />rate City Council action to go out for bids; with City Manager Trudgeon pointing <br />out that the motion currently on the floor included the entire scope of services as <br />presented in the agreement (Attachments A and B), with the addition of a check- <br />in at the end of Phase 1; and with City Attorney Gaughan clarifying that his u n- <br />derstanding of Mayor Roe’s requested action also included a check-in at the end