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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 15, 2017 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Councilmember Willmus referenced a presentation by License Center staff last year <br /> providing a breakdown of revenue for corporate customers (auto dealers) versus <br /> walk-in customers; and asked if that picture had changed at all. <br /> Finance Director Miller advised that the two areas continued to strengthen and with <br /> additional space, the city would be positioned to grow even more, both with pass- <br /> ports and auto dealer work. However, Mr. Miller advised that staff was currently <br /> limited in their ability to recruit any new auto dealers without additional space and <br /> staffing, even though those corporate customers were the money-makers compared <br /> to everyday walk-in traffic. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked Mr. Miller to address how he envisioned allocating <br /> the proposed $250,000 investment of the License Center. <br /> At this point, Mr. Miller advised that if the City Council authorized expanding the <br /> space, the first priority would be the passport service counter in order to address <br /> privacy and accommodate more than two customers at once. With an L-shaped <br /> counter,Mr. Miller stated that he saw that service capacity double to 4-5 customers <br /> at once. Of next highest priority, Mr. Miller advised that would involve finding a <br /> way for dedicated staff to serve auto dealers that would allow more auto dealers to <br /> be served when customer service was improved. <br /> On the motor vehicle side, Mr. Miller advised that customer service privacy is not <br /> being addressed at this time, either at the customer service counter or for the flow <br /> of customers. Specific to service counters, Mr. Miller noted the need to better seg- <br /> regate those services requiring more time from those shorter transactions (e.g. h- <br /> cense tabs versus drivers license renewals) to avoid choke points due to the current <br /> actually physical layout. While expansion and/or redefining the space could be <br /> done on parallel tracks, Mr. Miller also noted the need to remain mindful of cus- <br /> tomer disruptions so as not to lose any more customers. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked where things were at with potential relocation of <br /> the existing tenant in the space identified for expansion. <br /> Mr. Miller reported that the tenant in that space was aware of the city's interest in <br /> the space as it evolved during acquisition discussions. While the existing tenant <br /> had rights even with a month to month lease, Mr. Miller advised that he was not <br /> prepared at this point to define the city's exposure without further discussion with <br /> City Manager Trudgeon and the city's real estate consultant. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon advised that he and Finance Director Miller had spoken <br /> with the landlord and everyone was aware that once the lease was set to be exe- <br /> cuted, it would effectuate changes, including improvements for the lease space that <br /> would require city participation as well as legal obligations for the city. While that <br /> cost remains only a guess at this point, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would expect <br />