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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
Agendas and Packets
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Last modified
6/28/2017 9:21:58 AM
Creation date
6/28/2017 9:20:52 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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400 Specific to shoulder lanes, Mr. Thompson noted that when initially implementing <br />401 that project and when proposed, many people at MnDOT had expressed safety <br />402 concerns and interaction between ramps and buses on shoulders. However, as it <br />403 turned out, Mr. Thompson reported that MnDOT now wholeheartedly supports it <br />404 and as they rebuild roadways, not currently built for buses, they rebuild them to <br />405 accommodate that use and design them to bus use specifications. Mr. Thompson <br />406 stated that he wasn't aware that there may be times when a bus clipped a vehicle <br />407 mirror; but overall the safety record was proving pretty good. <br />408 <br />409 Chair Cihacek thanked Mr. Thompson for his helpful information; and questioned <br />410 "next steps" as the city and PWETC continued with the comprehensive plan update <br />411 and specifically the transportation portion. <br />412 <br />413 Mr. Thompson asked for continued feedback from the city through that process on <br />414 routes for connectivity and areas for improvement. <br />415 <br />416 Chair Cihacek noted that there would be a number of public comment opportunities <br />417 for the public to speak up and provide their feedback as well on their concerns <br />418 and/or ideas. <br />419 <br />420 Member Lenz opined that the opportunities for public input had improved <br />421 dramatically over the last few years. <br />422 <br />423 Chair Cihacek asked Mr. Thompson and representatives of Metro Transit to return <br />424 to the city periodically as part of the process, offering the city's interest in being a <br />425 partner and collaborator for transportation efforts in the community and region. <br />426 <br />427 Mr. Thompson agreed to return to the PWETC; opining it was helpful for Metro <br />428 Transit to understand areas for improvement or unmet needs to guide future <br />429 development of service. While not asking the city to draw routes, Mr. Thompson <br />430 noted that as comprehensive plans developed, it would help inform where future <br />431 development or redevelopment may be indicated and thereby address proposals for <br />432 new services. <br />433 <br />434 6. Eureka 2016 Year -End Report <br />435 Mr. Culver introduced Eureka Recycling representative Chris Goodwin for the <br />436 2016 year-end report, following 2015 report held in recent past. <br />437 <br />438 Mr. Goodwin briefly summarized the written report including recent increased <br />439 tonnage even though materials (e.g. paper and plastic) got lighter; increases in <br />440 volume with the single -sort collection method, and reasons for Roseville residents <br />441 to be proud of that increased volume and continued highest participation rate in the <br />442 areas served by Eureka, currently at 94% participation. <br />443 <br />444 Mr. Goodwin reviewed changes made in tracking data with improved technologies <br />445 in determining participation rates; continuing spikes in cardboard boxes as part of <br />Page 10 of 14 <br />
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