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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Finance Commission
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Finance Commission Minutes <br />April 11, 2017 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />reflect the removal of the $400,000 from the Park Dedication Fund since the Council is 136 <br />recommending these funds be used for the Golf Course. 137 <br /> 138 <br />Commissioner Harold stated including the Golf Course in the PIP would allow the Council to see 139 <br />the total expenditures that are expected. 140 <br /> 141 <br />Commissioner McRoberts suggested looking at the park dedication fees over the last 10-years 142 <br />and determine if these funds are decreasing due to the City being fully developed. 143 <br /> 144 <br />Finance Director Miller stated the Council is not using the Commission recommendation for the 145 <br />PIP at this time but they are still using the rules that have been in effect. 146 <br /> 147 <br />Commissioner Murray asked if the City was receiving 3% on their reserves. 148 <br /> 149 <br />Finance Director Miller stated the City is currently close to 3% but he has reduced this to 2% in 150 <br />future projections. 151 <br /> 152 <br />Chair Schroeder stated the policy changes approved by the Council include prioritizing projects 153 <br />in the City. This could be applied to the Golf Course project and there may be funds in other 154 <br />areas that could be used to fund the project. The Commission could also recommend other 155 <br />projects not be completed in order to fund the Golf Course project. She stated they should 156 <br />review the updated graphs after the expenditures have been updated by staff. 157 <br /> 158 <br /> 159 <br />Review 2016 Cash Reserve Balances 160 <br /> 161 <br />Finance Director Miller provided an overview of the key unrestricted operating funds for 2016. 162 <br />He stated based on the cash reserve balances and the established policies the City has 163 <br />approximately $4.1 million in excess reserves. 164 <br /> 165 <br />Chair Schroeder stated the City Council had decided that they would like to create the Cash 166 <br />Reserve Fund that the Commission had previously discussed. This fund mean for 2016 the cash 167 <br />over of $1.6 million would go into a separate fund rather than the cash reserves continuing to 168 <br />grow. The Council would then know, based on the budget, what the overage or deficit is each 169 <br />year. They can then take the money in this fund and put towards other needs in the City such as 170 <br />the CIP. These funds would not be used toward the operation costs as the City does not want to 171 <br />become dependent on these funds. Since the Council had not received a formal recommendation 172 <br />from the Commission on the creation of this type of fund the Council is requesting the 173 <br />Commission review it and make a recommendation. Based on previous discussions the would 174 <br />recommend the Commission tell the Council that they believe the concept is a good idea and if 175 <br />the Council wants to proceed they will need to vote on it and send it back to the Commission to 176 <br />continue to work on it and create a policy for this fund. 177 <br /> 178 <br />Finance Director Miller stated that these funds may not be restricted by an outside entity but 179 <br />there is a story behind each of the reserves and what the long-term plans are for these reserves. 180 <br />Item 3: Attachment A
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