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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Mr. Englund advised that staff had offered to find an outlet to donate the vehicle, <br /> hoping to avoid incurring costs, but nothing had come to fruition at this point. <br /> Mr. Englund advised that this vehicle had become the subject of numerous neigh- <br /> borhood complaints and allegedly hadn't been moved in several years. Mr. En- <br /> glund noted the owner's agreement that is was inoperable and he wished to have it <br /> removed. Mr. Englund reported that the SUV also pictured had also not been <br /> moved in several years, but that the owner had successfully demonstrated to staff <br /> that it was operable. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned the code enforcement capability of the city <br /> since the white van had current license tabs. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan responded that the vehicle had to be operable, per city <br /> code, and typically determination was made based on whether a vehicle had cur- <br /> rent tabs and inflated tires, and if not it provided evidence of inoperability even <br /> though not limited to that definition. However, Mr. Gaughan stated that his inter- <br /> pretation of"inoperable" indicated a vehicle's inoperability, therefore under city <br /> code,he opined that the city should be able to address this particular case. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, opining that inflated or deflated tires was only one indica- <br /> tion or option for determining operability. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed with City Attorney Gaughan's guidance, opining <br /> that tire status may be the easy way to make a determination, but with statements <br /> made by the owner that it was inoperable, this fit into the city's nuisance code <br /> definitions; and stated his support to approve staff's requested abatement. <br /> Etten moved, Roe seconded, directing Community Development staff to abate the <br /> public nuisance at 1887 Merrill Street N by hiring contractors to remove the inop- <br /> erable vehicle and remove junk and debris; directing staff to bill the property <br /> owner for actual and administrative costs; with the property owner billed for actu- <br /> al and administrative costs; and if those charges are not paid, staff will recover <br /> costs as specified in City Code, Section 407.07B. <br /> Councilmember Willmus stated his support for removal of debris and junk from <br /> in front of the garage. However, Councilmember Willmus expressed concern <br /> with action to remove the vehicle and whether such action could be sustained if <br /> legally challenged by the owner. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted the owner's agreement to show staff that the other <br /> vehicle was operable and verbally admitting that this vehicle was not. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the owner's willingness to have the vehicle removed by donat- <br /> ing it; and suggested to staff that if it could help facilitate that at"zero" cost to the <br /> city, that seemed to address the city and neighborhood concerns, while solving a <br /> problem for the owner. <br />