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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/18/2017 9:20:32 AM
Creation date
8/18/2017 9:15:45 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 12 <br /> As an eight-year renter of this property, Mr. Ide referenced his receipt of a copy <br /> -- of the list of things needing repair. However, specific to the lawn mowers, Mr. <br /> Ide stated that he was unaware that they were in violation of city code. Mr. Ide <br /> provided an update of his attempts at compliance to-date and his intent to contin- <br /> ue addressing those items. Mr. Ide stated that he wasn't seeking to make excuses, <br /> but with his limited mobility necessitating a scooter or wheelchair, it took longer <br /> to accomplish his intent. <br /> Mayor Roe confirmed that Mr. Ide was the renter and not the property owner; and <br /> also clarified those things included in tonight's abatement request and those that <br /> would be subsequently addressed. <br /> Councilmember Etten thanked Mr. Ide for his work in addressing these issues; but <br /> opined this also fell under the purview of the property owner and not necessarily <br /> the renter. However, Councilmember Etten asked Mr. Ide for his estimate of time <br /> needed to clear up the other issues of non-compliance on the property. Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten asked if it was reasonable to Mr. Ide if the city provided a one <br /> week delay in the abatement (August 4, 2017); at which point staff would be au- <br /> thorized to address any remaining issues as shown in this abatement request to <br /> adequately address the issues without causing Mr. Ide— as the renter versus prop- <br /> erty owner—any undue hardship. <br /> Mr. Ide responded that he could accomplish it probably within two days to a week <br /> if he could get help from his family to do so. <br /> Councilmember Willmus offered his support in allowing Mr. Ide additional time. <br /> However, Councilmember Willmus sought clarification from staff if they had <br /> been in communication with the actual property owner about these issues. <br /> Mr. Englund advised that staff had attempted contact with the property owner <br /> several times, with no response to-date. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that any abatement costs would be billed directly to the prop- <br /> erty owner and if unpaid, would be assessed to the property taxes. <br /> Etten moved, Willmus seconded, directing Community Development staff to <br /> abate the public nuisance at 405 Highway 36, unless current violations are com- <br /> pleted by the renter and/or property owner by August 4, 2017, by hiring contrac- <br /> tors to repair and paint the shed, and remove the junk and debris; with the proper- <br /> ty owner billed for actual and administrative costs; and if those charges are not <br /> paid, staff will recover costs as specified in City Code, Section 407.07B; and fur- <br /> ther directing staff to issue an administrative fine for unregistered rental in the <br /> amount of$100.00. <br /> With Councilmember Willmus seeking that the situation be cognizant in recogniz- <br /> ing those items under the responsibility of the property owner versus renter; <br />
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