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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the unlicensed rental registration fee would be separately <br /> billed and under the full responsibility of the property owner for resolution. Spe- <br /> cific to the city abatement and lack of information as to any agreement for respon- <br /> sibilities between the renter and owner, Mayor Roe suggested that Mr. Ide consid- <br /> er reviewing his rights as a renter if he was unsure of that status, by conferring <br /> with legal entities to address any concerns or unknowns. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> e. Request for Approval of a MINOR SUBDIVISION of a Residential Property <br /> (PF17-016) <br /> As detailed in the RCA, Senior Planner Bryan Lloyd summarized staff's analysis <br /> of the proposed subdivision of residential property at 2237 Cleveland Avenue, re- <br /> sulting in three residential properties for development of two new single-family <br /> detached homes on proposed Parcels B and C, with existing improvements re- <br /> maining on proposed Parcel A. Mr. Lloyd advised that as plans for structures are <br /> finalized as part of the building permit application process, other particulars in- <br /> cluding a tree preservation plan would be reviewed by staff and acted upon at that <br /> time. Staff recommended approval of the request. <br /> The agent of the applicant, Richard Kotoski 2570 N Grotto Street appeared and <br /> concurred with staff's report. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Darrel LeBarron, 2101 County Road B West <br /> As a resident owning adjacent property, and former member serving on the city's <br /> Lot Split Study Committee, Mr. LeBarron provided a historical perspective of this <br /> area as the neighborhood moved from rural to suburban as the neighborhood con- <br /> tinued to reinvest in itself while retaining large lots. Mr. LeBarron spoke in sup- <br /> port of the request, opining the lots would still remain of considerable size even <br /> when split and as developed lots versus vacant property, would be better main- <br /> tained then now as invasive brush and vegetation covered the vacant portion of <br /> the parcel. <br /> On a related note, Mr. LeBarron expressed his disappointment with the city's <br /> maintenance of their property along County Road B and Cleveland Avenue, not- <br /> ing his ongoing attempts of maintenance to his property and clearing he'd per- <br /> formed on the city-owned area at his personal expense that he no longer intended <br /> to provide beyond that property he personally owned. Mr. LeBarron compared <br /> the city's lack of attention to their property and minimal efforts over the last year <br /> to a notice he received requiring his response within two weeks to address excess <br /> nuisance vegetation on his private property. <br /> Mr. LeBarron asked that the city aggressively pursue the aesthetics of this quality <br /> neighborhood at County Road B and Cleveland Avenue by addressing numerous <br />