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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 14 <br /> issues, not exclusive to four unscreened electric utility mechanical boxes, and the <br /> city's more timely and consistent maintenance of its own property in that area. <br /> As this served as the city's west gateway and the University of MN's north gate- <br /> way, Mr. LeBarron challenged the city to immediately address these neighbor- <br /> hood issues. <br /> Paul Anders, Midland Grove <br /> Upon clarification by Mayor Roe, Mr. Anders negated any concerns he had with <br /> this proposed lot split and its actual location as it related to the Midland Grove <br /> complex. <br /> Richard Poeschl 2220 Midland Grove Road, #111 <br /> Responding to the comments of a previous speaker about aesthetics of the area, <br /> Mr. Poeschl addressed several Minnesota Department of Transportation <br /> (MnDOT) in removing trees that negatively impacted their property values and <br /> the noise buffer at Midland Grove, and without prior notification to residents. Mr. <br /> Poeschl addressed similar MnDOT undertakings when he lived near Har Mar <br /> Mall as the northbound lanes on Snelling Avenue were widened without notifying <br /> residents. While recognizing that the city was not responsible, Mr. Poeschl stated <br /> his disappointment and continuing practice of MnDOT in taking action before <br /> providing notice or an opportunity for response. <br /> Willmus moved. Etten seconded, approval of the proposed MINOR SUBDIVI- <br /> SION of the residential property at Cleveland Avenue, based on the staff report, <br /> public input and City Council deliberation. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> f. Consider a Request to Amend the PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT <br /> (PUD) #1177 (Center Pointe Business Park) to Include Self-Storage and Oth- <br /> er Uses Supported in City Code Table 1006-1 (Permitted Uses) at 3015 Cen- <br /> tre Pointe Drive <br /> As detailed in the RCA, City Planner Thomas Paschke summarized the request <br /> for a four-story, climate controlled, self-storage facility on one of the few remain- <br /> ing parcels under this PUD. Mr. Paschke noted the existing PUD's limitations for <br /> uses such as this, and prior discussions held at last week's City Council meeting. <br /> Mr. Paschke noted that the Planning Commission's recommendation was to can- <br /> cel the existing PUD, but after subsequent City Council discussion, it had become <br /> a moot point, with staff thus seeking direction tonight for support in moving for- <br /> ward with this specific use under the current PUD. <br /> Mr. Paschke reviewed the two steps required of such direction, including the con- <br /> cept stage and subsequent final PUD to solidify all the particulars with the site <br />