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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 6 <br /> on in the process before finalizing the plan rather than as a simple check-in at the <br /> end of the process. <br /> Along those lines, Chair Murphy advised that the commission, staff and consult- <br /> ants were still seeking ways and ideas for increasing community engagement giv- <br /> en the limited participation to-date, whether at in-person opportunities or through <br /> online attempts. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this may actually be a positive indicating there wasn't ma- <br /> jor dissention from the community on the paths being pursued. <br /> In summation, Chair Murphy concluded that the City Council's general direction <br /> to the commission was to not get too specific with the comprehensive plan, but <br /> continue updates versus remaking the entire plan. <br /> Without objection, Mayor Roe confirmed that conclusion. <br /> With upcoming zoning code text amendments coming before the commission and <br /> City Council in the near future, and the City Council's review of an existing <br /> Planned Unit Development (PUD) discussion later on tonight's agenda, Chair <br /> Murphy reviewed past practice in creating a number of PUD's that were still on <br /> the book. Chair Murphy sought City Council direction on an appropriate re- <br /> sponse to them and recommendation by the commission if and when the city was <br /> forced to honor some of the older, out-of-date ones moving forward. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this had come up at a recent City Council discussion as <br /> well, specific to the Centre Pointe PUD advising that the City Council had decid- <br /> ed not to pursue cancellation of it at this time. However, Mayor Roe agreed that <br /> there were others worthy of review. Mayor Roe noted that as part of the 2030 <br /> comprehensive plan update, an intentional review of Master Plans and Small Area <br /> Plans was done to avoid complications requiring a comprehensive plan amend- <br /> ment, with a plan to review their relevancy in those areas, and subsequent rec- <br /> ommendation for City Council action to abandon or maintain those plans. Mayor <br /> Roe opined that he considered the PUD process similar if and when underlying <br /> zoning applied at which time a PUD should be reconsidered for possible cancella- <br /> tion on a case-by-case basis. <br /> Specific to current design standards, Councilmember Willmus expressed his con- <br /> cern in the urban "building forward" concept or massing buildings along street <br /> frontage, noting that some residents still appreciated retaining a more suburban <br /> aesthetic. <br /> Councilmember Etten disagreed, noting that while it may look or feel strange <br /> when one particular building redeveloped before others in that same block or area, <br /> he preferred to continue moving away from a mass of parking lot in front of de- <br /> velopment requiring pedestrians to walk through a sea of vehicles. Councilmem- <br />