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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 24, 2017 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Mayor Roe agreed that relevant parts of discussion could be provided in draft <br /> form, rather than awaiting a full transcription of non-land use items. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon agreed with the goal as a great idea, but also noted the <br /> logistics when the Planning Commission at one time each month met two days af- <br /> ter the City Council, and suggested in that case staff provide a verbal or written <br /> report, perhaps via a quick memorandum or an excerpt of draft minutes. <br /> As an advisory commission, Commissioner Bull asked if the commission was <br /> providing the City Council with sufficient information or if there were areas it <br /> needed to be more diligent with. As a group, Commissioner Bull noted the great <br /> variety of perspectives individual commissioners provided, and asked if there was <br /> anything different or in addition that would assist the City Council in its decision- <br /> making. <br /> In reading Planning Commission meeting minutes, Councilmember Etten ex- <br /> pressed his appreciation of the many thoughtful questions and different perspec- <br /> tives coming out in various ways, addressing many of the questions he might have <br /> before he could make a decision. Also, Councilmember Etten assured that even <br /> when the City Council chose, in their more technical role as elected officials in <br /> the community, to not follow the commission's guidance, the commission was <br /> doing nothing wrong on their part. <br /> Councilmember Willmus agreed with Councilmember Etten's comments and ap- <br /> preciation of commissioner perspectives. Councilmember Willmus also stated <br /> that the commission didn't always need a unanimous vote for its recommenda- <br /> tions, since individual council members in their view of commission meetings or <br /> review of meeting minutes, were looking at the rationale in any dissenting opin- <br /> ions from the group, providing for that mix of perspective and review of all areas. <br /> Overall, Councilmember Willmus opined that this indicated that the commission <br /> was doing a great job that was ultimately beneficial to the community and City <br /> Council. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed with his colleagues on perspectives and that there was no need <br /> for a unanimous vote at all times especially when that dissenting rationale was in- <br /> cluded. Mayor Roe opined that all commissioners were doing a good job in ex- <br /> pressing their views. <br /> Specific to another matter, if individual commissioners had questions, Mayor Roe <br /> asked that they make sure those answers were included as part of the meeting dis- <br /> cussion, or that the commission feel free to table recommendations until that in- <br /> formation was available. Mayor Roe expressed appreciation for the commission <br /> allowing for that delay as applicable to obtain additional information from staff or <br /> an applicant, resulting in a better product for the community. Even if there are <br />