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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/19/2017 10:43:54 AM
Creation date
10/19/2017 10:43:23 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 18, 2017 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the City of Shoreview's practice with these types of <br /> pets; typical licensing intended to deal with strays, neutering, return to owners and <br /> how that related to these types of animals; whether vaccinations were required <br /> and what types they would be; and whether enforcement and the regulatory nature <br /> would be too burdensome for staff considering the probable small number of this <br /> type of animal and depending on the type of licensing scheme based on practicali- <br /> ties (simple or more complex as indicated). <br /> Mayor Roe noted that he had not considered Councilmember Etten's suggested <br /> acreage requirement versus indoor pet requirements; and opined that the probable <br /> purpose of the city's general nuisance code against keeping farm or non-domestic <br /> animals may now allow for some exceptions in this case. Mayor Roe noted that <br /> this draft ordinance prepared by him was intended as a starting point; and opined <br /> that if the intent was to create an exception for farm animals, he would want that <br /> clearly defined. Mayor Roe stated that he would also want input from owners of <br /> those animals as well as input from those with knowledge on the subject and their <br /> assistance in crafting the language. Mayor Roe stated that he was willing to look <br /> at the exception to prohibition if there was a process to better understand the is- <br /> sues and how to address them in city code language. If they were allowed in the <br /> city's nuisance code, Mayor Roe stated that he would want a separate licensing <br /> section addressing them and referenced here accordingly. <br /> Councilmember Etten clarified that any exception allowing these animals should <br /> be for their consideration as family pets on lots no smaller than '/2 acre to ensure <br /> sufficient space for them. However, Councilmember Etten stated that he wasn't <br /> interested in turning back the clock by allowing full-sized goats or pig sty's. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that there was no requirement of any certain acreage for dogs or <br /> cats. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted there were valid concerns with potential swine <br /> diseases transferable to humans and vaccinations required. If the desire of the <br /> City Council was to look at this further, Councilmember Willmus opined that he <br /> would not want to proceed absent input from folks on all sides of the issue to de- <br /> termine if and how it might work for Roseville. <br /> Councilmember McGehee agreed with the statements of Councilmembers Etten <br /> and Willmus, stated that she was very lukewarm about the issue but if there was a <br /> strong feeling from the community, she was willing to review and consider it. <br /> Absent that interest, Councilmember McGehee stated that she would leave the <br /> current code as is. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that current language prohibited them; and observed that there <br /> appeared to be three council members willing to look at the current language with <br /> a community-involved process. <br />
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