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City Council Meeting Minutes
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10/19/2017 11:11:11 AM
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10/19/2017 11:10:23 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 25, 2017 <br /> Page 12 <br /> One question for the City Council requested by Ms. Major was their preference <br /> for the budgeted community-wide mailing to advertise the next phase, seeking <br /> their preferences for that mailing to provide timely feedback before the compre- <br /> hensive plan document is prepared. Ms. Major reported that they would be reach- <br /> ing back out to those previously participating in Phase I via email addresses pro- <br /> vided and block captain reach-out in addition to flyers for distribution by advisory <br /> commissioners and City Council members at various events they attended, and <br /> city newsletter announcements. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested providing preliminary ideas for the public <br /> on the city's website of what chapters were being edited and an outline of how <br /> those materials will be organized and presented for public response. <br /> Ms. Major advised that this was the plan, with the online survey allowing feed- <br /> back on those chapters at the same time advertising went out for the community <br /> meeting. <br /> Based on timing, Mayor Roe suggested using the city's popular newsletter for the <br /> citywide mailing versus a separate mailing, suggesting a front page article to alert <br /> the public. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed with Mayor Roe, but expressed concern that if it <br /> only reached homes one week before the meeting, it may prevent their opportuni- <br /> ty to participate or attend the meeting due to other previously-scheduled activities. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte questioned if the timing could be bumped out to allow a <br /> two-week notice. <br /> In response, City Manager Trudgeon deferred to staff for timing of the newsletter <br /> but it may be possible to have notice of the upcoming meetings in the next news- <br /> letter. <br /> Ms. Collins responded that, at this point, the Communications Department was in- <br /> tending to drive residents to the web page through a blurb in the fall newsletter, <br /> but stated that she was unable to further address timing for newsletter content. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed that it would be great to tag the event in the newslet- <br /> ter, but suggested also providing an insert similar to that suggested by Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee with budget postcard responses that would allow for addi- <br /> tional preparation time beyond the typical newsletter deadline. Councilmember <br /> Etten agreed that, given the brief timing between newsletter receipt and the com- <br /> munity meeting, residents weren't likely to cancel other activities to attend a <br /> comprehensive planning meeting. However, if they had an option to provide their <br /> comments through the postcard, they could do so at their leisure. Councilmember <br /> Etten clarified that he was not advocating for an additional postcard mailing. <br />
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