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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 25, 2017 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Councilmember Willmus agreed with a postcard comment card insert in the fall <br /> newsletter; and opined that every effort should be made by staff to do so. How- <br /> ever, if staff was still involved in setting some text allowing for reference to the <br /> postcard insert and meeting, he saw that as beneficial as well. <br /> Councilmember McGehee agreed with Councilmember Willmus' comments and <br /> suggested an insert at the minimum. <br /> Mayor Roe also noted that the newsletter or postcard could provide a framework <br /> for residents to know what is expected of attendees for the community engage- <br /> ment meeting. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon agreed with the concept of a postcard, alerting council <br /> members of a cost of several thousand dollars. Therefore, he suggested that if the <br /> City Council wanted staff and the consultant to do extensive outreach, they look <br /> to fuller content possibilities in the newsletter. However, Mr. Trudgeon stated <br /> that he couldn't ensure the extent of that content depending on current space allo- <br /> cation, but suggested more may be possible, while falling back on the insert if ad- <br /> ditional space was not available. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the insert is important and would be less <br /> expensive than an additional mailing; and suggested that just because another col- <br /> umn of text may be available,that the insert no be eliminated. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that he would be open to staff doing creative solu- <br /> tions as an alternate to the insert. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed, but stated that an insert in the better-read news- <br /> letter would be preferable to a separate mailing. <br /> Given current staff schedules in the Community Development Department due to <br /> the American Planning Institute conference the remainder of the week, Ms. Col- <br /> lins deferred to City Manger Trudgeon and his staff for development of the insert. <br /> With the online survey also available during the same timeframe as the mailing, <br /> Ms. Major sought City Council feedback on that aspect as well, with no additional <br /> input provided. <br /> Ms. Major addressed other outreach efforts, including ECFE outreach that hadn't <br /> been as successful in Phase I as anticipated due to the timing. <br /> Ms. Major reviewed stakeholder interviews currently being wrapped up as part of <br /> Phase I with remaining efforts intended to fill gaps where the community had yet <br /> to be heard from. Ms. Major noted that this effort emphasized underrepresented <br />