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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 25, 2017 <br /> Page 14 <br /> groups, with every effort made to balance demographic responses, but reminded <br /> residents of the opportunities always available to provide input via email to the <br /> consultants and/or staff as outlined on the web page. <br /> Councilmember Willmus encouraged Ms. Major to take advantage of the Rose- <br /> ville Business Council as a captive audience, with Ms. Major responding that she <br /> and staff would continue to attempt coordinating a meeting in that venue. <br /> In efforts to target the Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM), Councilmember <br /> Etten opined that there was no reason staff or the City Council couldn't make that <br /> happen given their importance in the community, and offered his assistance to fa- <br /> cilitate that and consider alternates outside traditional settings. <br /> Ms. Collins reviewed liaison partnerships to that community and additional work <br /> by Ms. Major on the Rice Street/Larpenteur Avenue project and materials provid- <br /> ed to those immigrant community leaders with Police Department outreach to res- <br /> idents in those apartments. Ms. Collins advised that comprehensive plan materi- <br /> als were made available at this opportune time as the group came together and <br /> networked. However, Ms. Collins noted the difficulty in obtaining that feedback <br /> based on the needs of that community; and reported that the Karen population was <br /> moving into St. Paul and residents in that area of Roseville were revolving more <br /> around the Congolese, Nepali and Burmese populations. Ms. Collins reported <br /> that the biggest issue for these residents remained the availability of playgrounds, <br /> with the complexities of the comprehensive plan often lost in translation and of <br /> little interest. <br /> Ms. Major reported on the very successful engagement with the Nepali communi- <br /> ty in the Brittany and Marion Park neighborhoods, with understanding of how <br /> best to engage them is still an evolving process to build on. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed that as new citizens to the United States and City of Roseville, <br /> a conceptual or abstract land use or development plan twenty-years out may not <br /> be of interest or a priority for them. <br /> Ms. Collins reported that the first mailing for the initial kick-off community meet- <br /> ing, at a cost of$7,000, had resulted in only seventy people in attendance, consid- <br /> ered good given the other activities in which residents are residents are involved. <br /> As detailed in the RCA and attachments, in addition to the updated timeline pro- <br /> vided as a bench handout to the report, Ms. Major reviewed the remaining sched- <br /> ule and review of the draft plan in early winter by the Planning Commission and <br /> City Council, as well as other opportunities for public review and input through- <br /> out that time. Ms. Major suggested additional newsletter alerts and online options <br /> may be considered as the document is posted in its entirety online. <br />