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City Council Meeting Minutes
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11/2/2017 3:02:00 PM
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11/2/2017 3:01:11 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 9, 2017 <br /> Page 12 <br /> In general, Councilmember Etten agreed with Mayor Roe's comments: with Items <br /> 1, 3 and 4 used for additions or major expansions (e.g. Golf Course Clubhouse) <br /> after robust community discussions to bring those items to light. Councilmember <br /> Etten expressed his confidence in staff filtering and recommendations for CIP <br /> without each item being ranked, opining that he didn't find that a useful process <br /> other than in staff's typical analysis. Since the City Council had asked staff to <br /> provide significant information for a five-year and twenty-year CIP, Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten opined that any more layers were not necessary and too labor- <br /> intensive for staff. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated her agreement with the comments of her col- <br /> leagues; opining that categories may be useful or helpful, but not necessary to <br /> predetermine each item beyond the annual staff review of CIP items and any po- <br /> tential deferrals that may be possible. However, Councilmember Laliberte sug- <br /> gested that as the City Council also annually reviews the CIP items, it would be <br /> helpful to keep these priority rankings in mind as well. <br /> Since the City Council has a standing written policy in place, Councilmember Et- <br /> ten asked what action was indicated moving forward. <br /> In response, City Manager Trudgeon stated that his understanding was that most <br /> of the CIP rankings under Item #2 were already addressing things proposed <br /> through the CIP, and that large new things were infrequent and rare at this point. <br /> Even with the Cedarholm Clubhouse, Mr. Trudgeon noted that was actually es- <br /> sentially new versus a replacement, and had involved a deliberate community <br /> process. Mr. Trudgeon recognized that the City Council was not interested in pri- <br /> ority rankings within the CIP, but also noted that staff could continue to apply the <br /> rankings as outlined tonight minimally on an annual basis as long as staff keeps <br /> these priority rankings in mind when reporting to the City Council within the spir- <br /> it of the intent of the policy. Mr. Trudgeon suggested staff's review of the policy <br /> accordingly. <br /> Without the benefit of a copy of the policy tonight, and without objection, Mayor <br /> Roe suggested directing staff to review the current policy language and bring their <br /> recommendations back to the City Council. As part of that language review, <br /> Mayor Roe suggested rather than calling them "priority rankings," to consider <br /> "decision-making criteria or rubric." However, Mayor Roe disagreed with the in- <br /> terpretation of the Cedarholm Clubhouse as a replacement or maintenance item, <br /> and opined that it was a new item from his perspective. Mayor Roe stated that his <br /> interpretation of replacement or maintenance items would be for HVAC, roofs, <br /> windows, or other areas when an entire building wasn't being replaced. Another <br /> example of new from his perspective would be the new fire station, and would in- <br /> clude other areas where new direction and/or one-time significant monies were <br /> involved. Under that scenario, Mayor Roe suggested that policy language should <br /> consider that each City Council be able to determine what was "new" and what <br />
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