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City Council Meeting Minutes
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11/2/2017 3:02:00 PM
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11/2/2017 3:01:11 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 9, 2017 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Mr. Bradley also noted the additional provision allowing the city the benefit of <br /> special modems hooking into the public internet to allow the cable commission <br /> and city to provide programming from remote locations, allowing more pro- <br /> gramming flexibility, including the cities and advisory commissions to share pro- <br /> gramming with neighboring communities as part of this agreement. Mr. Bradley <br /> advised that with the assistance of Terre Heiser, a new enterprise services option <br /> would allow connectivity with buildings at a competitive price point. <br /> Mr. Bradley advised that the agreement's customer service standards would mir- <br /> ror Federal Communications Commission (FCC) standards, and treat franchise <br /> competitors (e.g. Century Link) fair and equitable treatment. <br /> Mayor Roe referenced the side letter (Attachment B) as an addendum to the <br /> agreement that addressed several other issues that would be part of tonight's re- <br /> quested motion for approval. Mayor Roe clarified the managed network provi- <br /> sions that were provided by Comcast would continue the City of Roseville's abil- <br /> ity for data transfer for its Information Technology (IT) services that it provided <br /> to other entities, some with no other means to connect with the internet or have a <br /> reasonably affordable means to do so. Specific to the video feeds from remote lo- <br /> cations, Mayor Roe clarified that as part of the franchise negotiations, Comcast <br /> agreed with the use of I-Net for video feeds as per Federal law, but not for enter- <br /> prise data services that the City of Roseville and IT consortium provides, as ad- <br /> dressed in the side letter accordingly. Mayor Roe advised that the City of Rose- <br /> ville continues to review optional means for IT services to those entities, but if <br /> unavailable, the enterprise services agreement would address each situation. <br /> Councilmember Willmus called attention to Attachment C, Page 9, Section C <br /> (Grant of Authority and Provisions) that still had the old NSCC address of 950 <br /> Woodhill Drive that needed updating; duly noted. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mayor Roe clarified that the original <br /> 3-year negotiating period for this renewal had been extended by about 2 years, <br /> and based on the legal period of time for the process for renewal, negotiations on <br /> the next contract would commence three years prior to this agreement's expiration <br /> date. <br /> Mr. Bradley concurred, noting there were several challenges with the renewal <br /> based on Comcast's predecessor and the NSCC, taking considerable time to re- <br /> solve. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thanked Mayor Roe and Mr. Bradley for their work on <br /> this agreement. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked all those involved in this franchise renewal <br /> process; and expressed her appreciation for the summary in helping to read <br /> through the lengthy document itself. However, Councilmember Laliberte asked <br />
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