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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
11/16/2017 8:21:29 AM
Creation date
11/16/2017 8:20:55 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 16, 2017 <br /> Page 6 <br /> tive, and anticipating a resolution of municipal support as part of their ongoing delibera- <br /> tions. Potentially, Councilmember Laliberte noted the interest expressed by Rep. Becker- <br /> Finn, as co-author of the bill, to be involved in that conversation. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon clarified that the initial legislative agenda discussion was intend- <br /> ed to bring forward a list of discussion items to establish City Council positions on behalf <br /> of the City of Roseville; and suggested that any resulting resolutions of support be <br /> brought back at a later date following the interest in those positions. <br /> Since this discussion is new to the remainder of the City Council, Mayor Roe agreed that <br /> it made sense to hear about it and hear from its sponsor. However, Mayor Roe ques- <br /> tioned the timeliness of a resolution at the initial November 13th discussion to establish <br /> priorities, and whether it couldn't just as well be adopted at a subsequent meeting. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed that a resolution of support could follow subsequently; <br /> but noted the interest of legislators prior to the start of the legislative session (February <br /> 20, 2018) and whether the city was willing to support the legislation. <br /> Without objection, Mayor Roe asked that staff provide a copy of the bill and additional <br /> information be provided in the agenda packets at the November 13th discussion if not be- <br /> fore. <br /> 11. Councilmember Initiated Future Agenda Items and Future Agenda Review <br /> Having previously been unaware that the GARE program was specifically intended for <br /> city staff training, and that the City Council didn't have any involvement, Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee asked for an additional joint meeting with the Human Rights, Inclusion and <br /> Engagement Commission (HRIEC) to hear their specific recommendations for city staff <br /> and the commission to move forward in a strategic, organized manner. Councilmember <br /> McGehee referenced some of the community-wide community engagement efforts simi- <br /> lar to the GARE program; and expressed concern that the HRIEC was being excluded <br /> from the overall program, even though their charge included awareness and understand- <br /> ing of equity and diversity issues within the community. At a minimum, Councilmember <br /> McGehee asked for a monthly or bi-monthly staff report of the GARE training topics, <br /> since the City Council isn't privy to those discussions even though any policy or initia- <br /> tives would need to pass through them. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed that it made sense and agreed that the HRIEC had been looking at the <br /> interaction between the City Council and HRIEC more broadly as one of their topics of <br /> discussion and was considering recommendations from their perspective. Mayor Roe <br /> suggested that this would most likely be part of the discussion at the upcoming joint <br /> meeting with the HRIEC. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated her interest in having a strategic plan versus many dif- <br /> ferent facets and initiatives that were unrelated and uncoordinated. <br />
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