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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
12/8/2017 3:00:35 PM
Creation date
12/8/2017 3:00:12 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Mr. Mareck responded they could install turn lanes, improve signal timing, or <br />install controls such as a four-way stop or roundabout. <br />Mr. Freihammer pointed out an example of this would be at County Road C2 and <br />Snelling Avenue with the addition of a dual left turn lane onto Snelling. <br />Mr. Mareck commented this document gives the City some data based on technical <br />data and citizen input on what the big picture transportation issues are that need <br />further discussion. This information will all be available to the public at the open <br />house meetings on November 8 and 9 as part of Comprehensive Plan update with <br />staff present for discussion and to answer questions. <br />Chair Cihacek referred to the Transit section on page 49 of the meeting packet. He <br />pointed out the second strategy indicates more bus shelters, but in the text below <br />that section, it talks about enhancing existing shelters, not constructing more. He <br />stated an important action step is also missing with what the City should be doing <br />as it relates to Elderly Transit Service. They might consider adding language that <br />shows they may consider demographics and advocate for additional service, but <br />they do not control any of the services for elderly transit. <br />Mr. Mareck stated they will work on rewording that section. <br />7. Items for Next Meeting — November 28, 2017 <br />Discussion ensued regarding the November PWETC agenda and time required for <br />each item: <br />• Facilities Study Presentation — Mr. Freihammer commented this study should <br />be available and will be presented to the Commission. <br />• Final Draft of Pathway Master Plan and Transportation Plan — Mr. Freihammer <br />reported this will be updated to give the Commission one final chance to <br />provide additional input on it. <br />• Public Works 2018 Work Plan — Mr. Freihammer stated they prefer to bring <br />this plan to the Commission before it goes to the Council. <br />• Set Preliminary 2018 Topic Calendar — Mr. Freihammer stated they can <br />program in discussion on the water rate structure and provide a draft topic <br />schedule to the Commission. <br />Chair Cihacek inquired if they have formally rejected the solar offer. It was <br />unclear if this had happened when it was discussed with the City Council. <br />Mr. Freihammer stated he believes it had been formally rejected, but would have <br />to look into it. <br />Chair Cihacek explained the City Council expressed concern with the power <br />purchase agreement price and stated it did not provide a large enough benefit to <br />the City versus future risk They requested the Council provide to the PWET <br />Commission what they consider to be a good enough benefit in order to proceed <br />Page 12 of 14 <br />
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