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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 29, 2018 <br /> Page 5 <br /> compliance. The equity has eroded, due to several factors, over time, including <br /> the fact that the City's unions, which are guaranteed a consistent cost of living ad- <br /> justment, are typically more male-dominated. In the last couple years, another <br /> union, the firefighters, was added that skews the figure as well. <br /> Councilmember McGehee commented there is a significant disparity between un- <br /> ion and non-union staff. She recalled that the Council put in place an idea, which <br /> is offensive in its conception, where the City does not try to meet the standards of <br /> everyone else,but rather considers 98% of the average to be acceptable. Now the <br /> City has put in place different ways of computing how the City handles compen- <br /> sation. It is time for the Council to look at that, and look at the City's policy. She <br /> suggested the whole concept of compensation and the way the City handles it <br /> needs to be reviewed. She thanked staff for the work put into the report, especial- <br /> ly the additional information received tonight. <br /> McGehee moved, Laliberte seconded, approval of the Pay Equity Report and rec- <br /> ommended it be passed on to the State. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed appreciation for allowing the Council to re- <br /> view the report. She appreciated the clarifying note received this afternoon. <br /> Councilmember Etten also thanked staff for the clarifying information, noting that <br /> 97% is the right direction in which the City should be headed. It is a good goal to <br /> arrive at 100%. <br /> Mayor Roe commented on the union vs. non-union, noting perhaps the City needs <br /> to hire more female firefighters, maintenance workers, and police officers in order <br /> to help with the disparity. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee,Willmus, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> k. Accept a Conservation Partners Legacy Grant for Phase II of Wildlife Habi- <br /> tat Restoration Effort <br /> City Manager Trudgeon presented an overview of the Legacy Grant, in the <br /> amount of$353,000, with a City match of$39,286. The grant will be used to re- <br /> store and diversify wildlife in four parks within the City. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she pulled this because she would like to see a <br /> re-vetting of the City's wildlife management. She recalled that this plan is based <br /> on a 2002 wildlife management program. Given climate change and other factors, <br /> a review is warranted before the City goes forward. She expressed support for the <br />