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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 29, 2018 <br /> Page 6 <br /> wildlife habitat and natural areas, and the grant should be accepted. She suggest <br /> ed several park areas need additional buckthorn and burdock removal to aid the <br /> population of migratory birds. <br /> In response to the concerns expressed, Mr. Trudgeon noted the report referred to <br /> from the mid-2000s has been refreshed by staff in 2013-2014, as part of the Re- <br /> newal Program. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested that an additional review is still needed, to <br /> involve interested members of the community. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted staff spent a significant amount of time during the <br /> Renewal Program to create a City-wide plan to address natural resources and es- <br /> pecially the invasive species. One benefit of this grant is the City's ability to ad- <br /> dress the last big portions of that plan. Right now, there are some uncompleted <br /> areas due to lack of funds. He noted that Langton Lake was the first large natural <br /> resource area that received attention as part of the Renewal Program. This grant <br /> will help continue the mentorship program, where a dedicated core of volunteers <br /> complete work in the areas left unfinished due to lack of funding. <br /> Mayor Roe noted this does not mark the City's end of its efforts to deal with habi- <br /> tat. This is the completion of the park renewal program phase, but the City will <br /> continue to address natural resources issues going forward. <br /> Councilmember Etten added that the City now has in its capital outlay money <br /> dedicated dollars to continue this type of work. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted there has been very little acknowledgment of a <br /> serious burdock problem, and the techniques used so far have been ineffective. <br /> Burdock is particularly damaging to small migratory birds and bats. She suggest- <br /> ed additional efforts are needed, and that perhaps teams of volunteers can pull out <br /> the burdock in mid-summer when it is healthy, and even sell the root to make <br /> some offsetting revenue. <br /> McGehee moved, Willmus seconded, authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to <br /> sign the necessary documents to accept a Conservation Legacy Partner Grant <br /> from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in the amount of$353,572 <br /> for Phase II of the Wildlife Habitat Restoration Program with a City cash match <br /> of$39,286 to be taken from the approved $1.5M Parks and Recreation Renewal <br /> Program Budget, with the caveat that there be some review of the burdock prob- <br /> lem. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte, McGehee, Willmus, Etten, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br />