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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 29,2018 <br /> Page 7 <br /> o. Approve Public Works 2018 Work Plan <br /> City Manager Trudgeon provided an outline of the 2018 Public Works plan, <br /> which includes things like pavement management, utility upgrades, and railroad <br /> crossing improvements. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted she pulled this issue for a variety of reasons. <br /> She is disappointed this item was included on the Consent Agenda, when it was to <br /> have received full Council discussion at the prior January 2018 Council meeting, <br /> had it not been cancelled due to weather. She mentioned several areas of concern, <br /> including the importance of maintaining water management and storm water <br /> management, pavement management, and the amount of debt that has been in- <br /> curred over the last seven years to address infrastructure needs. Climate change is <br /> causing more freezing and thawing, which creates a potential for more deteriora- <br /> tion in the streets. There are 18 miles of grade 1 and grade 2 failing pipes, and <br /> those are being replaced at a rate of a mile a year, at a cost of$1 million per mile. <br /> That would take the City 18 years to replace failing water pipes, which is exceed- <br /> ingly slow. She expressed concern that the Council is not taking a long-term view <br /> on Public Works projects. Taxes and fees have been raised, and a referendum has <br /> recently passed for the school districts. Health, safety, and welfare needs to be a <br /> priority. Other spending needs to be stopped, so that these critical issues can be <br /> addressed, which would also save the City money in the long-run, in terms of <br /> maintenance and repair. Some storm water ponds have not been looked at for 10 <br /> years. She also contended that leaving faucets on all winter to prevent frozen <br /> pipes is not a good long-term environmental solution. Water pressure is also an <br /> issue for some residents. She suggested the Council take this up as part of a larg- <br /> er discussion. <br /> McGehee moved to TABLE action on the resolution and have a fuller discussion <br /> of funding. <br /> Mayor Roe declared the motion to TABLE failed for lack of a second. <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, approval of the Public Works 2018 Preliminary <br /> Work Plan for Streets and Utility Improvements. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Councilmember Etten asked the Public Works staff about expanding an existing <br /> storm water pond near Oak Crest Avenue, east of Fairview. <br /> City Engineer Freihammer indicated the City has no plans for making that pond <br /> any bigger. One possibility to improve it, however, is to add an iron-enhanced <br /> sand filter. The site is maxed out. <br />