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I <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 29, 2018 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Councilmember Etten noted that some neighbors have issues with.the water in <br /> that area. He also inquired about the Capital Region rain gardens program. <br /> In response to the question, Mr. Freihammer explained that Capital Region Wa- <br /> tershed District is trying to get residents in the targeted southeast Roseville area to <br /> sign up for curb-cut rain gardens. The goal is to have 10 to 12 property owners <br /> sign up for the program. Some of that will happen this year, and a few might get <br /> carried over into next year. <br /> Public Works Director Culver elaborated that Capital Region Watershed District <br /> is taking the lead on that project. They are also going to take on the maintenance <br /> of those rain gardens on a regular basis, so they are not dependent on the residents <br /> to maintain. <br /> Councilmember Etten then asked about the timing of the signal replacement at the <br /> corner of C2 and Snelling. <br /> Mr. Freihammer responded that the City is fairly committed to doing it this year, <br /> and is working to coordinate with MnDOT on the timing. The City wants to be <br /> 100% certain that any improvement will not have to be redone at a later time, de- <br /> pending on the plans of other agencies. <br /> Councilmember Etten agreed with Councilmember McGehee that there are pretty <br /> significant needs above ground and below ground. The City has increased fees <br /> for sewer and water, which has allowed more progress. Later in the meeting, the <br /> Council will meet with local legislators to discuss the significant needs of streets <br /> funding. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she is not supportive of doing these types of <br /> things by fee and would like to consider bonding. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed support for this work plan and the work done <br /> by staff. She noted that Public Works is an ongoing priority for the Council. <br /> Mayor Roe added this notion that the Council is not taking a 30,000-foot view is <br /> wrong. The system was not built in a day, so not all 18 miles need to be done in <br /> one year. The plan before the Council for the last 10 years has been to replace <br /> over the course of 20 years. Newer piping systems last longer. The plan present- <br /> ed to Council has been vetted, and significant changes in the fee structure were <br /> made in 2010/2011. To do the list faster does not gain anything other than the ire <br /> of the citizens who have to pay more, faster. In terms of bonding, that issue was <br /> reviewed in 2010/2011. Borrowing money to pay for improvements means the <br /> City is paying not only for the improvements, but also the interest on the borrow- <br /> ing. It makes much more sense to pay cash for the improvements over time, than <br /> it does to ask the taxpayers to pay more simply because someone wants to use <br />