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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/29/2018 1:22:27 PM
Creation date
3/29/2018 1:22:24 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 12,2018 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Ms. Collins noted there is mention of this plan in the Economic Development <br /> chapter. The visioning plan itself is mentioned, but the recommendations are not <br /> plugged into the chapter for that reason. The Comp Plan is far more of a firm <br /> document as compared to the visioning document, which will ebb and flow as the <br /> market changes. That is also how Maplewood handles the vision document. Ad- <br /> ditionally, that is how the City of Roseville handles other plans like the Parks <br /> Master Plan and the Surface Water Plan. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted it is not too early to start identifying greenway <br /> corridors. He also noted that in the 2040 Comp Plan, the Marion Street Park is <br /> not yet identified as a park, and that should be looked at. He commented that as <br /> the Council looks at the vision, it needs to be cognizant of present traffic volumes <br /> as well as the forecast for future traffic volumes. The question is how to maintain <br /> traffic volumes while enhancing pedestrian traffic. He also brought up the issue <br /> of crossing Larpenteur at Marion Street. As an aside, he is thrilled that a new ap- <br /> pointee to the Public Works, Environmental and Transportation Commission ref- <br /> erenced pedestrian access across some major roadways as a priority. <br /> Councilmember McGehee commended the visioning plan for discussing permea- <br /> ble pavers and how to improve water quality at McCarron's while all this is being <br /> accomplished. She also expressed concern about tree trenches, where trees are <br /> continually replanted because they are not properly cared for and die. She be- <br /> lieves the sustainability issues brought up in the vision plan do not have to be just <br /> for this particular site. She appreciated that and would like them to be considered <br /> throughout the City. She would also like to improve water quality wherever pos- <br /> sible and come up with sustainable ways for all this greenscaping. She expressed <br /> support for improved pedestrian crossings. She is interested in the use of solar in <br /> public spaces like parking areas and picnic shelters. She also expressed support <br /> for the overall plan. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked all the participants who worked on this vision <br /> plan, as it is an inspiring and beautiful plan. Since this is the first time she has <br /> had a chance to look at it in its whole, she is not ready to adopt anything tonight. <br /> Like other cities, the Council has to look at the feasibility of certain parts of the <br /> plan. She would like to see a breakdown of the engagement by people who actu- <br /> ally own the properties currently, especially with regard to the suggestions that <br /> might impact their property in the future. She echoed the importance of pedestri- <br /> an crossings as well as managing the volume of traffic going through those busy <br /> areas. <br /> Councilmember Etten acknowledged the hard work and dedication that went into <br /> this vision plan. He noted that the County owns almost all the public land in a <br /> half-mile direction. The County does have had some staff involved,but there will <br /> have to be a greater partnership going forward in order to move this vision for- <br />
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