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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 10 <br /> Mayor Roe wondered to what extent the FD can staff for those types of <br /> things, if there are 8 to 10 per year. NFPA standard is part of that equa- <br /> tion,but Roseville has to look at its own situation as well. <br /> Councilmember McGehee agreed the aid is working well. She asked <br /> whether St. Paul could be a partner. She also asked about calling in off- <br /> duty staff who do not live in Roseville, who may have a longer drive. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill responded there is no auto aid agreement with the City <br /> of St. Paul. However, the Roseville FD has mutual aid agreements with <br /> everyone in the State, but primarily with those cities surrounding us. St. <br /> Paul could be called upon if needed for a larger event. They have been <br /> willing to help,just as the Roseville FD has helped them in the past. Ide- <br /> ally, it would be great if the firefighters live in Roseville. State legislation <br /> does not allow any city to mandate that. He noted that a lot of neighboring <br /> communities do not have staffing programs at all, so they have that time <br /> gap all the time. Roseville manages the time gap all the time, with the risk <br /> that if there was a large emergency,help would be called for. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill stated throughout the budget process, there is also the <br /> discussion of equivalent FTE's and how that plays into the process. The <br /> FD has always considered 3 part-time firefighters to be equivalent to one <br /> FTE firefighter. Therefore, 82 part-time is the equivalent of 27 FTE's. <br /> The Phase II program desires a total full-time of 26, including the Chief <br /> and Assistant Chief. <br /> Assistant Fire Chief Brosnahan then highlighted a goal of hosting commu- <br /> nity outreach events, with the goal of meeting with folks and explaining <br /> the four pillars and how the FD can assist with these pieces in the commu- <br /> nity. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill stated this process is taking the FD from part-time, <br /> where it was for 70 years, and making it into a full-time FD. Most com- <br /> munities do it over several decades, whereas Roseville is doing this within <br /> a decade. The price of the personnel in Phase II will be about $800,000 - <br /> $900,000. He presented numbers (from the Finance Department) showing <br /> an annual tax increase per household of $39.36. That figure is a gross <br /> number and is a worst-case possibility. <br /> Mayor Roe summarized there is a possibility revenue from other programs <br /> will offset some portion of that. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked whether the $820,000 is the impact <br /> through 2022. <br />