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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill concurred that is correct. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that number is fixed in time based on to- <br /> day's dollars, so there will be a certain percentage increase year-over-year <br /> as well. He wondered if that increase might wipe out the revenue projec- <br /> tions. He would like to see some of those projections. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked about revenue stream and funding. She <br /> expressed opposition to the FD selling the 4 pillars to the community be- <br /> fore understanding the longer-term expense of what this is going to mean <br /> and whether it is a sustainable program. She added that in general she has <br /> reservations about engaging the community and selling future programs <br /> that are not fully understood. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill noted that the 24 firefighters are the number regardless <br /> of whether any of these programs are pursued. That is the bottom line <br /> number of what is needed to protect the community. The 5-member crew <br /> on duty today is the same figure that was on-duty in the 1940s, even <br /> though the FD responded to 100 calls per year back then and now respond <br /> to 5,000 per year. He explained that he would be asking for 8 regardless <br /> of any of the pillars. The programs in the 4 Pillars are value-added that <br /> will bring benefit to the community. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated she would like to see things in place and <br /> operating before adding anything. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill stated the FD would be telling the community what <br /> they get for their budget dollars. It is also an opportunity to hear from <br /> multiple members of the community. Sometimes trying to get feedback <br /> from the community does not, and this is an opportunity to hit the ground <br /> and reach many aspects of the population. He pointed out that Roseville <br /> FD has done a remarkable job of providing services, especially as com- <br /> pared with surrounding communities with much larger budgets like Edina, <br /> Coon Rapids and Richfield. As part of the growth process, the FD needs <br /> additional money. It is important to communicate to the community tran- <br /> sitioning from a part-time to a full-time FD. When the FD comes back to <br /> Council in October/November, the goal is to have communicated with 10 <br /> percent of the community. <br /> Councilmember Willmus commented on EMT transports and 911 reduc- <br /> tion. He commented that before he would jump in with both feet and ap- <br /> prove the staffing model in phase II, he would want additional information <br /> in those two items. He does not have a problem starting a conversation <br /> with the community, because it is the community who will say yes or no <br />