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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 9 <br /> the existing staffing. He noted that as staff numbers continue to shrink, it <br /> will be difficult to be anywhere near compliance with NFPA 1710. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill noted this is also a matter of firefighter safety. As the <br /> FD progresses through the attrition of part-time staff, something will have <br /> to be done. The part-time numbers have dwindled quicker than anticipat- <br /> ed in Phase I. The stated goal is to implement this by 2020, and some- <br /> thing will have to be done with staffing, so that the community continues <br /> to be protected, from a fire perspective. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked how the requirement of 15-17 firefighters <br /> within 8 minutes is determined. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill stated it is based on the number of people needed to do <br /> the task on a fire ground. NFPA 1710 is based off a staffed fire depart- <br /> ment, and NFPA 1720 is based off a volunteer fire department. There are <br /> different numbers for 1720 than for 1710. <br /> Councilmember Willmus recalled that at the outset of Phase I, this came <br /> up. He noted that one of the mitigating items brought forward was the <br /> mutual aid, auto aid, and emergency situations. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill explained that numbers are being used based on a mod- <br /> el of 24 full-time people, at the completion of phase II. That number <br /> would provide enough on-duty and off-duty staff to come back and help <br /> with emergency situations. That is an appropriate number. As far as auto <br /> aid, that has been more beneficial than ever anticipated. He noted that the <br /> FD's relationship with the Lake Johanna Fire Department is a very stable <br /> relationship. There was an apartment fire 3 or 4 weeks ago, and the auto <br /> aid came from Lake Johanna just minutes after the FD and assisted in that <br /> operation. He commented further that all the departments in Ramsey <br /> County are working closer together than ever. The FD, moving forward, <br /> would be looking to enhance auto aid. The staff is designed to handle <br /> about 99 percent of call volumes during the day. But for a large event, <br /> there is no way to staff for those types of events. Neighbors have to be re- <br /> lied on, and the agreements are in place. In that regard, that has to be re- <br /> ciprocal. If on-duty staff leaves to help with a fire in Arden Hills, there <br /> has to be adequate number of people who are able to come back on-duty, <br /> otherwise FD is not available to handle emergencies in the City. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked how many house fires or structure fires hap- <br /> pen in Roseville in a typical year. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill responded a typical year will see 8 — 10 of those types <br /> of incidents. <br />