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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 12 <br /> to this through the Council. He encouraged them to get feedback and dis- <br /> seminate them in broader media outlets in the City. He does, from time to <br /> time, talk to the City Manager about the overall FTE count in relation to <br /> the overall size of the City. Roseville has a stable population, and during <br /> the day time the population balloons, which is different from some other <br /> first-ring suburbs. He would like to see the City explore partnerships and <br /> obtaining cost-savings that way. There are still a lot of things in play here. <br /> There are still more unanswered questions than answered questions. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill confirmed this is an introduction tonight. Information <br /> will be placed on the website. The FD has also been working with the <br /> communications department to include something in the May/June news- <br /> letter. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte commented she supports getting community <br /> feedback in any way possible. It would have been nice to have some of <br /> these questions included in the Morris Leatherman community survey, but <br /> the timing did not work. She suggested that, when talking to the commu- <br /> nity, context will need to be given, especially with regard to billables since <br /> taxpayer dollars are already going towards emergency services. Addition- <br /> ally, she asked whether the HRIEC could factor in to the community out- <br /> reach as well. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked whether an additional apparatus will be need- <br /> ed by 2020 or 2021 <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill responded that all needed vehicles are already in the <br /> vehicle replacement CIP fund. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked about the anticipated savings for not having <br /> the part-time on-call folks. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill stated the FD would continue to allow the part-timers <br /> to leave through attrition. He does not want there to be any fear among <br /> the part-time staff that they will be asked to leave, as they will not. With <br /> that said, when the part-time is down to zero, about $60,000 in savings <br /> will be realized. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated he would be okay with community engage- <br /> ment, with some of the caveats like presenting context and potential costs. <br /> He asked whether the FD is going beyond its current 5-member crew on a <br /> regular day,unless there is a larger incident. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill confirmed on an average day, only the 5-member crew <br /> is working. There are also calls the FD cannot respond to. There are 2 <br />