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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 6. Items Removed from Consent Agenda <br /> 7. Business Items <br /> a. Receive Fire Department Presentation for Phase II Staffing Transition, Ser- <br /> vices, and Programs <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill recounted the history of Phase I and Phase II staffing transi- <br /> tion,beginning with a discussion with the City Council 4 years ago. The goal is to <br /> transition from a primarily part-time Fire Department to a primarily full-time Fire <br /> Department (FD). During the last 4 to 5 years, the FD has changed from 70 part- <br /> timers and 5 full-timers, to now 17 full-time firefighters and 27 part-timers. A <br /> primary focus of the strategic plan for the next 4 or 5 years is replacing departing <br /> part-time staff with full-time staff. He briefly provided an overview of the staff- <br /> ing challenges faced to date, throughout the period of Phase I, noting that attrition <br /> was the primary and somewhat unexpected cause of the reduction in part-timers. <br /> Fire Chief O'Neill encouraged the Council to share opinions on the 4 pillars to be <br /> presented tonight. The FD then would like to engage in a period of community <br /> feedback through outreach, and he would also like Council feedback on that plan. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte arrived and took her place at the dais at approximately 6:10 p.m. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan began by introducing the concept of Community Risk <br /> Reduction program, which is a sponsored program by the National Fire Protection <br /> Association (NFPA): <br /> • A systematic process of community needs and risks and evolving services <br /> and programs to meet needs and risks. <br /> • Data-driven programs. <br /> • Encompasses multiple programs and services in an effort to mitigate the <br /> loss of life and property. <br /> • Multi-faceted approach utilizing several areas of experience and expertise <br /> within the fire department. <br /> Assistant Chief Brosnahan then noted that the Phase II staffing plan is built upon <br /> 4 pillars: <br /> • Pillar#1: Advanced Life Support- First Response <br /> o A huge and critical step in the right direction for our community. <br /> o Advanced medical care within five minutes of calling 911. <br /> o Prolonged on-scene times. <br /> o Possible co-transport with Allina to maintain high level of care. <br /> o Thin or decreased staffing due to additional capabilities <br /> It was noted that the structure between Police and Fire remains the same, <br /> both of whom will be the first on the scene. Allina will continue to pro- <br />