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2018_0516_HRIEC Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission
2018_0516_HRIEC Packet
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Last modified
5/24/2018 1:46:48 PM
Creation date
5/10/2018 8:58:35 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Human Rights Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission Minutes <br /> April 18, 2018 —Draft Minutes <br /> Page 12 of 16 <br /> Commissioner Beltmann inquired if they have data on the number of people who leave the City <br /> or come to the City to work. <br /> Ms. Olson responded they may have that data. <br /> Why - <br /> • Understand why they are engaging and what the end goal is. <br /> • Understand the need from the other side of engagement. <br /> How - <br /> • This can be done when they have completed their research and have resources to look at. <br /> Ms. Olson stated she will send a follow up email to remind Commissioners to send information <br /> on research for the next meeting. <br /> The Commission recessed at 8:30 p.m. and reconvened at 8:37 p.m. <br /> c. Rosefest Parade and Party In the Park Planning <br /> Chair Holub reported they received direction from the Council to continue planning for Rosefest <br /> with the parade and Party in the Park. The Council wants them to provide ideas for ways these <br /> events can better engage the City's Commissions and the community, with these ideas being <br /> executed via City staff. <br /> Commissioner Peterson noted the Council also wanted them to focus community engagement <br /> with a group that is not well represented in 2019. She recommended they put it on their planning <br /> calendar to begin work right after this year's Rosefest. She also suggested a member of the <br /> HRIEC work on the parade committee. This would require the parade committee to meet at a <br /> different time since they usually meet at the same time as the HRIEC. <br /> Ms. Olson stated they need to decide how they want to participate in the parade this year. <br /> Chair Holub provided an update to new Commissioners on what was done last year. <br /> Chair Holub explained they concluded not to have members of community groups walk with <br /> them during the parade due to the size of the group. They also found out it would be free for <br /> groups to participate and this would allow them to have their own contingency. They plan to be <br /> more strategic with this next year rather than try to force it at the last minute. <br /> The Commission agreed that the Council wanted them to have all the Commissions participate <br /> together and City staff would be responsible for encouraging their Commission to participate. <br /> Ms. Olson agreed. <br />
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